En las profundidades de las tierras malditas por las sombras alrededor de Moonrise Towers, encontrarás una serie de misiones, NPC y lugares encantados. Si bien es posible que quieras intentar salir corriendo de este lugar espeluznante, hay muchas cosas que debes hacer antes de irte; Hay varias misiones secundarias que me alegro de haber hecho (o que me arrepiento de no haber hecho) en el Acto 2 de mi primera partida de BG3.
Baldur’s Gate 3, orden de las misiones de la historia del acto 2
El segundo acto requiere que atravieses el paso de montaña de camino a la ciudad de Baldur’s Gate o tomes los caminos a través de las tierras malditas. Independientemente del camino que elijas, aún tendrás que completar Moonrise Towers . Esta parece ser la única cadena de misiones requerida en el Acto 2; Tiene siete posibles misiones de historia en total.
- Captura/Salva a Isobel la Clériga Selunita
- Infiltrarse en las torres Moonrise
- Encuentra la reliquia de Ketheric Thorm
- Sigue el convoy
- Resolver el secuestro
- Busque protección contra la maldición de las sombras
- Derrota a Ketheric Thorm
Misiones secundarias para completar antes de abandonar el Acto 2 de BG3
Hay una gran cantidad de historia, misiones secundarias, NPC y otras cosas que encontrar en el Acto 2, tanto en Mountain Pass como en las tierras malditas de las sombras.
Completa las misiones secundarias de Halsin para salvar a Thaniel.
Romance con el oso druida Halsin es una necesidad para mí en cada partida, pero para hacerlo, se debe levantar la maldición de las sombras y limpiar la Costa de la Espada del toque de Shar. Sin él, nunca se unirá a tu grupo ni abrirá su corazón.
Esta cadena de misiones es enorme y requiere mucho trabajo, pero vale la pena ver el rostro de Halsin iluminarse cuando los árboles vuelven a la vida y Thaniel vuelve a estar juntos al final del Acto 2.
- Primero, salva a Halsin en el Campamento Goblin en el Acto 1.
- Déjalo unirse a tu campamento.
- En Last Light Inn, habla con el hombre dormido, Art, que no puede ser despertado en la habitación del primer piso a la derecha de la entrada. Cuéntale a Halsin sobre él la próxima vez que estés en el campamento.
- Reúnete con Halsin en la posada.
- Ve a Malus Thorm en la Casa de Curación en X:-199, Y:47 .
- Mátalo o engañalo para que muera y luego saquealo. Lleva su laúd a la posada. Tócalo por arte .
- Art se despertará, luego Halsin te pedirá que vigiles un portal mientras encuentra a Thaniel.
- Luego, dirígete a la Casa en Deep Shadows al noreste del punto de ruta Shadowed Battlefield en X:77, Y:37 .
- Convence al niño Oliver para que regrese con Thaniel .
- Mata a Ketheric Thorm.
Recluta a Jaheira la Arpista
Jaheira , una druida importante que estuvo tanto en Baldur’s Gate 1 como en Baldur’s Gate 2, regresa como una compañera que puede unirse a ti en el Acto 2. Asegúrate de mantenerla a salvo agregándola como la quinta persona a tu grupo cuando tengas la opción. justo en las afueras de Moonrise.
Deshazte de toda la familia Thorm
Si bien Ketheric Thorm es el principal malo de esta Ley, hay varios otros Thorms alrededor, cada uno de ellos atrapado en la maldición y llevando existencias horribles. Puedes matar a estos individuos descarriados, pero hay una manera de lograr pacíficamente que cada uno de los tres se rinda a su destino.
- Malus Thorm: Located in the House of Healing at X:-199, y:47, Malus is found cutting a live person to bits in the operating theater. With a successful religion and persuasion check, you can force him to submit to his own medicine.
- Gerringothe Thorm: She can be found in the Tollhouse near the entrance to the haunted city (X:-108 ,Y:-93). In order to defeat her, give her a little bit of gold, then pass one of the three types of checks to intimidate, persuade, or trick her.
- Thisobald Thorm: This bartender haunts the confines of The Waning Moon tavern around X:-192, Y:-81. The battle with him is incredibly difficult, so it’s best to attempt to appease him without violence. Walk up to the bar and drink with him, passing all his checks as he asks for stories.
Rescue all the Prisoners in Moonrise Towers
There are a lot of Tieflings and others not only locked up in the tower, but also in the mind flayer colony underneath. This includes both Mizora and Zevlor.
Find Arabella and her Parents
If you saved Arabella from Kagha in Act 1, she will be back in Act 2. Look for her near the cemetery outside of the House of Healing, where she will be in search of her parents. You’ll find them inside the hospital, but they will both be dead. Tell her about her parent’s fate, and she will return with you to your camp. She will also be an asset in Act 3 if you take the time to save her now.
Related: Best Mods for Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)
Save or Destroy the Nightsong
The Nightsong is in the Mausoleum in the upper left part of the shadow-cursed lands. Find her inside the Temple of Shar by completing the trials. Make sure to have Shadowheart in the party for the whole thing, as she will supply lore and directions as you complete each part of the trial. At the end, you can either choose to save or destroy the Nightsong; both will have big consequences going forward.
Steal a Githyanki Egg
There is a Githyanki Creche in the mountain pass; reach it to find the Githyanki have taken up residence in the Rosymorn Monastery (X:18 Y:24). Outside of the immediate area, there is a Lady Esther (X:-43, Y:-128) who wants a Githyanki child to raise. She will beg for you to steal an egg from the creche when you visit. Ignore her request, give her the Githyanki egg, or give her an owlbear egg instead by passing a check.
He Who Was
There is a very creepy-looking man named He Who Was in the northwestern part of the shadow-cursed lands (X:129, Y:108). He has found a corpse and needs you to grab some evidence against her misdeeds at the Waning Moon. Complete the quest to his satisfaction and to receive Raven Gloves, which allow you to summon a raven named Quothe.
All Personal Quests for BG3 Companions
While wandering around in Moonrise and the mountain pass, you will have the opportunity to complete a variety of companion quests.
- Killing Raphael’s old enemy for Astarion. Takes place after you get the cutscene in camp of Astarion trying to touch-read his scars. Bring him to the front of the Mausoleum, and Rafael will be there. He will ask you to kill an infernal in exchange.
- Visiting the Creche for Lae’zel. Lae’zel is pretty insistent on visiting the Creche in the mountain pass; you will hear about it forever if you don’t do it.
- Save the Duke for Wyll. Wyll’s father has been trapped and brought to Moonrise Towers; look for him there with the Tieflings.
- Get the second part of Karlach’s heart installed by Dammon at Last Light Inn. By the end of Act 2, you can have four pieces of the infernal metal needed to fix up Karlach’s heart. Make sure to use two pieces on that, and then give the other two pieces to Dammon in exchange for some sweet weapons.
- Go through the Trials of Shar with Shadowheart. The Trial is found in the depths of the Mausoleum; head there to start this quest chain.
- Balthazar’s Experiment for Gale. Bringing Gale along into the Trial of Shar Temple and introducing him to Balthazar — the undead builder with the Illithid tadpole behind his eye — will start a quest focused on one of his experiments.
Para obtener más información sobre Baldur’s Gate 3, consulta la Guía de armas Finesse de Baldur’s Gate 3 en las guías de juegos profesionales.