Echoes of the Ancient World es una misión mundial de Genshin Impact que puedes aceptar en Merusea Village. Para completarlo, deberás ayudar a los Melusines a tocar una partitura musical antigua utilizando la caracola gigante.
Navegar bajo el agua es un poco complicado en Genshin Impact, así que sigue esta guía de principio a fin para completar la misión. Completar Echoes of the Ancient World te recompensará con un logro oculto y una pieza extraña, que podrás usar para canjear por recompensas.
Tabla de contenido Cómo desbloquear la misión Ecos del mundo antiguo en Genshin Impact Cómo completar la misión Ecos del mundo antiguo en Genshin Impact Busque Carabosse Ir a la cueva sellada Busque una manera de romper el sello Encuentra la puntuación perdida Vuelve a tierra Habla con Katheryne y Habla con Topyas Coloca la ficha Usa la habilidad del cangrejo blindado xenocromático para desatar ondas de choque en el arpa de caracola Elimina las criaturas que habitan dentro del arpa de caracola
Cómo desbloquear la misión Ecos del mundo antiguo en Genshin Impact
Primero debes completar toda la cadena de misiones de Ancient Colors en este orden exacto:
- Colores antiguos: Acto I – Un pincel de espuma de mar y carmesí
- Colores antiguos: Acto II – Un degradado de sueños y ocre
- Colores Antiguos: Acto III – Anhelo Azul del Corazón y la Luna
Después de completar los requisitos previos anteriores, dirígete a la ubicación exacta marcada con un círculo arriba para encontrar a Verenata. El signo de exclamación azul solo aparecerá cuando estés cerca, así que no te preocupes si no lo ves de inmediato. Habla con Verenata para iniciar Ecos de un mundo antiguo.
Cómo completar la misión Ecos del mundo antiguo en Genshin Impact
Busque Carabosse
Después de aceptar la misión de Verenata, dirígete a «Un lugar muy brillante» y bucea bajo el agua. Sigue nadando hacia el sur hasta llegar a la cueva púrpura, donde la flecha apunta arriba. Entra en la cueva para hablar con la pequeña Melusine llamada Carabosse .
Ir a la cueva sellada
After speaking to Carabosse, stay within the same area and turn right to find a current. Enter the current to force the water to propel you forward, which will get you to your destination much faster.
When the current stops, swim forward until you find a «portal,» as pictured above. Enter it to propel your character further inward, and you’ll eventually land in the underwater section of Merusea Village.
As soon as you regain control of your character, look to your left to find a cave (where the arrow is pointing above). Swim toward it to trigger dialogue with the Melusines, pushing the story forward.
Related: Fontaine Ancient Key Location – Aqueous Tidemarks Genshin Impact Quest Guide
Look for a way to Break the Seal
In this segment, you need to solve a small puzzle. Use a Normal Attack to hit the three blue crystals in any order, which will glow orange after getting hit. When all three are orange, the seal blocking the cave will disperse, triggering dialogue with the Melusines.
Find the Lost Score
Now that the sealed cave has been unlocked, swim inside to find a current. Enter the current to propel your character toward the area where you must search for the lost score.
When the current stops, you’ll reach an area with enemies up ahead. You can ignore the enemies as defeating them doesn’t count toward this quest, but you need to absorb the Xenochromatic Armored Crab’s Ability before proceeding.
Swim in the opposite direction toward the northeast section of the highlighted area of the mini-map (pictured above). First, interact with the glowing spot to obtain the Melody of Vesta, which is the music score Topyas asked you to look for. Next, use the Xenochromatic Armored Crab’s Ability (Elemental Skill button) to break the boulder blocking the path.
Get Back Ashore
After breaking the boulder, a path forward will open. Swim forward to spot an Exquisite Chest, which you can loot for rewards. Next, swim upward to ascend from the water and continue swimming to the shore. Dialogue with the Melusines will trigger.
Talk to Katheryne Talk to Topyas
Head to the Fontaine Adventurer’s Guild and talk to Katheryne. You’ll eventually meet a musician named Tailleferre, who will teach you how to read the Melody of Vesta.
Next, you need to speak to Topyas. There are a few ways you can get to her, but I recommend heading there through the small pool pictured above. Dive to reach the underwater version of Merusea Village, then swim forward until you reach Topyas and speak to her.
Place the Token
Once teleported to the location of the giant Conch Harp, swim toward the topmost part of the Conch to find a glowing spot. Interact with it to place Topyas’ token. If the next objective doesn’t trigger, use a Normal Attack on the same area.
Use the Xenochromatic Armored Crab’s Ability to Unleash Shockwaves at the Conch Harp
A few Xenochromatic Armored Crabs will float around the area. Absorb their ability, which can be used to deal heavy damage to the Conch Harp, triggering the release of shockwaves.
You need to use the Xenochromatic Armored Crab’s ability (Elemental Skill button) on the Conch Harp, targeting the exact spot the arrow is pointing to above. Otherwise, the quest won’t push forward.
Clear out the Creatures Dwelling Within the Conch Harp
After attacking the Conch Harp, three waves of Armored Crabs will spawn in the conch’s opening; defeat all three waves of enemies to trigger dialogue with Topyas. I recommend using the Xenochromatic Armored Crab’s ability to defeat the enemies as it deals significant damage to them.
Once the quest is complete, you’ll be rewarded with a Strange Part on top of the usual Primogem rewards. You’ll also unlock the Wonders of the World Achievement called «Song of the Ancients.»
Para completar más misiones de Fontaine para piezas extrañas, consulta nuestra Guía de misiones del mundo oculto de Genshin Impact Los tres colores primarios de la corona solar y la Guía de misiones del mundo de Strange Stone Chronicle Genshin Impact aquí en Guías de juegos profesionales.