Los mejores personajes de Castle Crashers, clasificados

Los mejores personajes de Castle Crashers, clasificados

Hay muchísimos personajes útiles y poderosos para desbloquear en Castle Crashers . Sin embargo, si estás tratando de decidir qué personaje deberías elegir, querrás comparar cada una de sus habilidades y qué hacen mejor para tu equipo. Normalmente opto por el DPS más potente, pero no siempre es el más efectivo para la composición del equipo. ¡Echa un vistazo a nuestra lista a continuación y prueba por ti mismo para determinar quién es el mejor!

Todos los personajes de Castle Crashers, clasificados

Echamos un vistazo a varias clasificaciones y comparamos todas las habilidades y destrezas del personaje, y armamos esta lista de lo que creemos que son las clasificaciones de más a menos útiles. Sin embargo, esta lista se basa únicamente en nuestra propia opinión y experiencia, así que pruébelo usted mismo y determine quién cree que es el mejor.

He aquí un vistazo rápido a nuestra lista de Castle Crashers y sigue leyendo a continuación para obtener más detalles:

Tabla de contenidos ocultar 1. esgrimista 2. industrial 3. Caballero Azul 4. Caballero Rojo 5. Demonio de fuego 6. Iceskimo 7. Caballero Naranja 8. cabeza de cono 9. Guardia Real 10. Bruto/Serpiente 11. Caballero Rosa 12. ninjas 13. Caballero Gris 14. Apicultor asesino 15. Esqueleto/Súbdito de culto 16. oso 17. bárbaro 18. Nigromante 19. sarraceno 20. Caballero Verde 21. Campesino, civil, Stoveface, caballero gris de rostro abierto y ladrón 22. extraterrestre 23. rey 24. herrero 25. Hatty Hattington

1. esgrimista

Fencer está en la parte superior de la lista porque es uno de los personajes con mayor DPS del juego y su daño por salpicadura hace que sea fácil atravesar enemigos en poco tiempo. También es capaz de golpear a los enemigos detrás de él con su hitbox, permitiéndote cubrir tu espalda al mismo tiempo. Se puede obtener terminando el juego con Industrialist.

2. industrial

Industrialist es prácticamente lo mismo que Fencer, solo que una versión ligeramente inferior, por lo que puedes desbloquear a Fencer después de terminar el juego con él. Al igual que Fencer, es uno de los personajes con mayor DPS que puedes encontrar en el juego y es excelente para eliminar enemigos de manera rápida y eficiente.

3. Caballero Azul

Blue Knight es un personaje elemental que usa Hielo. Es uno de los personajes principales debido a su hielo porque es capaz de congelar a los enemigos en su lugar. Con un equipo completo, esto resulta particularmente útil porque puede hacer malabarismos sin recibir daño. Sus combos también son uno de los mejores movimientos infinitos para acabar con los enemigos.

4. Caballero Rojo

Red Knight es muy similar a Blue Knight con su aturdimiento, excepto que este Caballero elemental usa Electricidad. En algunos aspectos, Red Knight puede incluso superar en rango a Blue Knight con sus habilidades de salpicadura que agotan la salud, bloqueando a los enemigos en su lugar y derribándolos rápidamente, pero la congelación de Blue Knight lo supera ligeramente. Sin embargo, Red Knight es aún mejor en lo que respecta al modo Arena.

5. Demonio de fuego

Lo que hace que Fire Demon sea uno de los personajes principales son sus especialidades de control de multitudes y asesinato de jefes. Su bloqueo de combo drena fácilmente la salud del jefe y mantiene a raya a otros enemigos al derribarlos con su salpicadura, que también es capaz de alcanzar objetivos en el aire.

6. Iceskimo

Iceskimo es prácticamente lo mismo que Blue Knight, pero un poco más bajo. Su combo, al igual que Blue Knight, puede ser súper OP para drenar la salud de los enemigos. Sin embargo, sus hechizos no pueden congelarse como los de Blue Knight, por lo que está ligeramente más abajo en la clasificación.

7. Caballero Naranja

Orange Knight funciona como Fire Demon, con el mismo elemento fuego y habilidades de control de multitudes. Es un nivel ligeramente inferior al de Fire Demon, como se esperaba, ya que debes completar el juego con él para desbloquear Fire Demon. Su alcance, sin embargo, funciona perfectamente para modos de juego adicionales como Voleibol.

8. cabeza de cono

Si bien a Conehead le falta daño por salpicadura, sobresale con sus ataques de proyectiles, que es lo que le otorga una clasificación tan alta. Su Bomb Toss tiene un radio enorme y puede proporcionar efectos de postcombustión que drenan la salud de los enemigos. Además, puedes enviar spam con sus flechas desde lejos para lograr un excelente control de multitudes.

9. Guardia Real

Royal Guard works pretty much the very same as Conehead, including his projectile skills and Bomb Toss; however, to unlock him, you must finish the game with Green Knight. He sits just below Conehead because of his unlock requirements. Other than that, he is just about as good as him with crowd control and afterburn radius.

10. Brute/Snakey

Brute and Snakey are ranked together because they are essentially the same characters. Their abilities work the same, and both are pretty much lower-tier versions of Fencer or Industrialist. Since Fencer and Industrialist are the top characters on the rankings, you can assume this means Brute and Snakey are pretty powerful as well, and that is all thanks to their splash hitboxes and vines.

11. Pink Knight

Pink Knight is a mid-tier character, and that is because you can either find them very useful or useless. Their rainbow stun is what can be the most essential of their attacks because you can lock enemies down, much like the Red or Blue Knight, and hit them with powerful combos. Unfortunately, their stun doesn’t last for very long, which is why they don’t quite amount to their other knight peers.

12. Ninja

Ninja can be particularly useful for taking down bosses because his magic can shred their health with powerful blows, much like Fire Demon’s, which is what grants him this mid-tier ranking. However, besides that aspect, his ability is actually much slower and doesn’t have those afterburn effects that some others do.

13. Grey Knight

Grey Knight is another projectiles major unit, much like Conehead and Royal Guard. He can rain down arrows from afar, keeping crowd control and providing some cover. However, he is much lower on the rankings because, unfortunately, he has half the amount of damage that the others can provide.

14. Killer Beekeeper

Killer Beekeeper’s ability may look a lot like Conehead and Royal Guard as well, but they differ just slightly. They happen to be some of the best abilities in the game to take out airborne enemies, which is his main specialty, but his bees can easily be killed with one hit, making him a little less durable and powerful than the archers.

15. Skeleton/Cult Minion

Skeleton and Cult Minion are another duo that work almost exactly the same. They are great for taking down bosses and work better for this than a lot of other low-tier characters. Their abilities work a lot like Ninja, but they are slower and shorter in range, making them more mid-ranking kinds of characters.

16. Bear

Bear can be a great character to utilize with his special tornado splash magic, which works well to extend critical combos. However, he also happens to be a very difficult person to play because of this. You’ll need plenty of practice and experience to utilize his abilities to their best advantage.

17. Barbarian

Barbarian is another mid-character in the game. He isn’t really good or bad. He has a faster arrow rain ability that can come in handy, but everything else is simply mediocre. He doesn’t stand out as much as other characters do in battle, which is why he is on the lower side of our rankings.

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18. Necromancer

Necromancer is very similar to Barbarian in multiple aspects. His arrows have decent speed, just slightly less than Barbarians. He is supposed to be a speedy, long-ranged character, but his melee attacks can be extremely slow because they can only do one hit per segment, which makes him lack in DPS compared to other characters.

19. Saracen

Saracen is basically a lower-tier form of Bear. Their abilities work the same, such as his juggling combos, but his projectile is one of the very worse in the game. Because of that, he easily falls to the bottom of the rankings, getting lost behind Bear and other characters who simply shine more.

20. Green Knight

Green Knight is probably one of the most controversial topics for players because he is widely mained by a lot of players, but over the years, he has gotten considerably outranked by other knights and characters, and they have left him toward the lower rankings. It is more difficult to carry out combos because of his difference in abilities, which means he lacks the DPS output and speed that the others can provide.

21. Peasant, Civilian, Stoveface, Open Faced Gray Knight Thief

These characters are all ranked together because they are the most mediocre of all characters in the game. They have decent abilities that can get things done, but they lack strength and shine. They work better as more supportive type characters that work well with a team but can easily be upgraded to a different character later on.

22. Alien

Alien is a special character that you can only get from obtaining specific achievements or purchasing special editions. While he has a great spamming attack with knockback abilities, he is unable to change weapons and works very differently than the characters in the game. This can make it hard to utilize him to his full potential or take a lot of practice to get them down.

23. King

King is another character that would seem to be much better than he actually is. One of the main reasons that he ranks lower on the list is that he has no splash damage, which is essential for killing off bosses and harder modes further in the game. His main ability is a healing ability, but it is pretty useless, considering you can get the same from the Hawkster pet.

24. Blacksmith

Blacksmith has one handy ability, fire projectiles, but other than that, he is a slow-hitting character that can usually only manage to get one hit in. Because of how slow he is, he ranks pretty low on our list, but you may find some of his abilities to be useful for splash attacks and spam projectiles.

25. Hatty Hattington

Hatty is a special character because he can only be obtained through completing certain achievements or purchasing him in the Insane Shop. You would think this would mean he was a great character, but unfortunately, he is one of the very slowest of the characters, much like Blacksmith, and it is nearly impossible to hit efficiently.

This is all our rankings for the characters in Castle Crashers. Try them out for yourself to see if you agree, or maybe you find one character more helpful in your experience. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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