Una de mis características favoritas de Remnant 2 es la variedad de clases y arquetipos para elegir mientras construyo mi personaje. Cada uno viene con mejoras, ventajas, equipo y otros rasgos específicos que te permiten personalizar tu personaje según tu estilo de juego preferido. Aquí están todas las clases y arquetipos de Remnant 2.
Tabla de contenido Todas las clases y arquetipos en Remnant 2 Desafiador Manipulador Cazador Médico pistolero Alquimista Explorador Invocador Ingeniero Invasor
Todas las clases y arquetipos en Remnant 2
El Challenger se centra en el combate a corta distancia con una capacidad de tanque excepcional. Este arquetipo ofrece una fuerte lucha incluso contra jefes y otros enemigos duros. War Stomp crea un temblor que se extiende hacia adelante para devastar a los enemigos. Juggernaut brinda mayor velocidad de movimiento con daño cuerpo a cuerpo mejorado. Finalmente, Rampage brinda mayor movimiento y velocidad de recarga con una mayor velocidad de disparo durante un breve tiempo. Si quieres un personaje duradero con mayor capacidad de supervivencia, entonces este es el arquetipo a elegir en Remnant 2.
- Pisotón de guerra
- gigante
- Alboroto
Beneficio principal : Duro de matar
El Handler viene con un compañero canino que puede ayudarte en situaciones difíciles. Este arquetipo se basa en apoyar a los compañeros en el campo. Guard Dog te permite ordenarle a tu mascota que ataque a diferentes enemigos. Por otro lado, Support Dog le da más una función médica, donde el perro cura a sus compañeros de equipo dentro de su alcance. Attack Dog es una habilidad sencilla que le permite a tu perro causar más daño a los enemigos. La especialidad del Handler es su beneficio principal, Bonded, que le permite al compañero revivir a tu personaje cuando es derribado por enemigos.
- Perro guardian
- Perro de ataque
- Perro de apoyo
Beneficio principal : vinculado
Si eres fanático del combate de precisión a larga distancia, no busques más que el arquetipo Hunter. Se trata esencialmente de una clase de francotirador con la capacidad de infligir un daño masivo desde la distancia. Hunter’s Mark te permite ver las ubicaciones del enemigo, incluso a través de estructuras, mientras que Hunter’s Shroud enmascara al personaje por un corto tiempo. Hunter’s Focus mejora tu personaje y marca a los enemigos a los que apuntas. Para aumentar la duración de Focus, sigue apuntando a diferentes enemigos.
- Marca del cazador
- Enfoque del cazador
- Sudario del cazador
Prime Perk: Muerto a los derechos
Medic is the primary support class in Remnant 2. This archetype heals much faster than the others and also has enhanced relic effectiveness. Wellspring is an AoE heal that regenerates health and reduces blight damage. Healing Shield gives a barrier to all teammates within its range. Redemption allows you to revive teammates and provide health regeneration over time.
- Wellspring
- Healing Shield
- Redemption
Prime Perk – Regenerator
If you want a weapons expert while fighting enemies in Remnant 2, then Gunslinger is your best choice. This archetype is designed to dish out critical hits, with high movement speed while aiming and the ability to swap weapons quickly. Quickdraw a series of critical hits to multiple enemies within view. Sidewinder increases aim movement speed while activating auto-reload for weapons. For Bullet Storm, you’ll need a ranged weapon as it increases fire rate and reload speed. Additionally, Bullet Storm turns a single-fire weapon into auto-fire for a brief time.
- Quick Draw
- Side Winder
- Bullet Storm
Prime Perk – Loaded
Related: Remnant 2 Archetype Tier List: All Classes, Ranked
The Alchemist archetype is a combination of support and medic classes in Remnant 2. This archetype specializes in buffing teammates with different potions and consumables. Stone Mist applies Stoneskin that reduces incoming damage and blight decay while providing immunity to other status ailments. Frenzy Dust functions like a stim, increasing reload speed, movement speed, and fire rate. Likewise, Elixir of Life grants health regeneration and protection against other effects.
- Vial Stone Mist
- Vial Frenzy Dust
- Vial Elixir of Life
Prime Perk – Spirited
The Explorer archetype specializes in finding the rarest items in the game while providing utility to teammates. Plainswalker reduces enemy consumption and increases movement speed for you and your teammates. Gold Digger allows you to dig the ground to create a fountain that gives a random buff. Fortune Hunter is perhaps the most essential skill for the Explorer as it marks special items in your vicinity.
- Plainswalker
- Gold Digger
- Fortune Hunter
Prime Perk – Lucky
The Summoner archetype revolves around creating smaller minions that can deal damage to enemies. The Minion Reaver summons a Root Reaver for 35% of your health. This creature can attack enemies and you can sacrifice it mid-fight to deal explosive damage. Minion Hollow creates a Root Hollow for 15% of your health. Likewise, Minion Flyer summons a Root Flyer for 10% of max health. All of these minions are designed to be sacrificed mid-fight to deal explosive damage to enemies.
- Minion: Reaver
- Minion: Hollow
- Minion: Flyer
Prime Perk – Ruthless
The Engineer is one of the most underrated classes in Remnant 2, and you need to unlock it first to become a Heavy Weapon specialist. This archetype can provide support with different types of Turrets that deal massive damage to enemies. The Vulcan prioritizes the targets you aim at and runs until its ammo gets depleted. The Impact Canon deals explosive damage to enemies nearby. The Flamethrower burns down enemies within its range and is a brilliant choice for fighting hordes of enemies.
- Heavy Weapon: Vulcan
- Heavy Weapon: Impact Canon
- Heavy Weapon: Flamethrower
Prime Perk – High Tech
If you are looking for a covert tactician with an elusive set of skills, the Invader is your best choice. This archetype specializes in creating decoys to evade and confuse enemies. The Worm Hole skill allows you to rip through space-time to get 300% increased damage on the next melee or ranged attack move. With Void Cloak, you will automatically evade incoming damage for a short time, and it spawns a decoy with auto-evade. Reboot backs up your health, stamina, and status effects while increasing movement speed and damage reduction.
- Worm Hole
- Void Cloak
- Reboot
Prime Perk – Shadow
For more information on Remnant 2, check outRemnant 2 – How to open the doors in Postulant’s ParlorandHow to Get Use the Nightweaver Stone Doll in Remnant 2on Pro Game Guides.