¡Tantas pociones!
Wacky Wizards es una experiencia de elaboración de pociones que te permite crear todo tipo de brebajes mágicos. Todas las recetas de pociones en Roblox Wacky Wizards tienen un efecto en tu personaje. Con toneladas de diferentes ingredientes para mezclar y combinar, beber las pociones que creas causa muchos efectos diferentes en tu cuerpo. Pueden hacerte más fuerte contra enemigos duros como Mr. Rich, o transformar las proporciones de tu Avatar. Con casi 700 pociones en el juego, tenemos la lista completa de pociones gratuitas y premium a continuación, junto con todas las recetas y descripciones.
Todas las pociones gratis en Roblox Wacky Wizards
Actualización 1 de septiembre de 2022
- ¡Nuevo ingrediente aleatorio, pociones y más!
Todas las pociones enumeradas a continuación se crean a partir de ingredientes gratuitos que los usuarios recolectan en el juego mientras juegan. Muchas de estas recetas son tontas y divertidas, como la poción Squirting, pero aquí hay algunas útiles que causan mucho daño a los enemigos, como la poción de dinamita. ¡Otros también transforman las dimensiones del cuerpo de tu Avatar o te convierten en una nueva criatura por completo! Consulta aquí nuestra guía sobre cómo convertirte en bruja en Roblox Wacky Wizards .
pociones | Receta | Descripción | |
1 | Rápido | pezuña de jirafa | Acelera a tu personaje |
2 | chorros | Sándwich podrido | ¡UH oh! ¡Poo Poo! |
3 | fideos | Piscina de fideos | ¡Date brazos de fideos! |
4 | Diminuto | Hada | Hazte más pequeño |
5 | Platija | Pez | Flop como un pez! |
6 | Flotante | Pájaro | ¡Ponte más ligero! |
7 | Explosivo | Dinamita | BOOOOOOOOOM |
8 | Zombi | Cerebro | ¡Conviértete en un zombi! |
9 | Verrugoso | Araña | Obtener verrugas |
10 | Camuflaje | Camaleón | Camufla a tu entorno |
11 | Gigante | Oreja de gigante | Hazte enorme |
12 | Caliente | Chile | ¡Prenderse fuego! |
13 | Frijol | Benas | mhmmm beannnnnsss |
14 | Jandel | cabeza de jandel | Conviértete en Jandel (Creador) |
15 | Foryxe | Cabeza de Foryxe | Conviértete en Foryxe (Creador) |
dieciséis | cleeto | Sombrero de Cleetus | Conviértete en flamenco |
17 | El robo de identidad | Tú | Clónate a ti mismo |
18 | Tamaño no resuelto | Hada + Oreja de Gigante | Sigue haciéndote más pequeño y más grande |
19 | cabeza agrandada | Cerebro + Oreja de Gigante | Haz crecer tu cabeza |
20 | cabeza diminuta | Cerebro + Hada | encoge tu cabeza |
21 | Poción alta | Pezuña de Jirafa + Oreja de Gigante | ser más alto |
22 | Rayo encogedor | Camaleón + Hada | Encogerte hasta la muerte |
23 | Día de la pierna | Pezuña De Jirafa + Hada | Consigue piernas diminutas |
24 | Carga ancha | Frijoles + Oreja De Gigante | GEEE WIDEEE! |
25 | Hierro | Fideos de piscina + Oreja de gigante | ¡Consigue brazos grandes! |
26 | Cuello largo | Pezuña de Jirafa + Fideos de Piscina | ¡Cuello largo! |
27 | Ciempiés | Fideos de piscina + Araña | Conviértete en un ciempiés |
28 | Excavación | Fideos De Piscina + Frijoles | Conviértete en un gusano |
29 | Cohete | Dinamita + Pájaro | ¡Prepárate para el despegue! |
30 | Calvo | Cerebro + Chile | Quema tus accesorios |
31 | fuego caminando | Pájaro + Chile | ¡Camina sobre el fuego! |
32 | Respiración de fuego | Sándwich Podrido + Chile | ¡Respira fuego! |
33 | Nadar | Pájaro + Pescado | ¡Nada en el aire! |
34 | Sirena | hada + pez | Conviértete en una sirena |
35 | Hinchado | Frijoles + Pescado | Conviértete en un pez globo |
36 | octubre | Pezuña De Jirafa + Araña + Pez | Conviértete en un pulpo |
37 | puente de aire | Pájaro + Pezuña De Jirafa | Doble salto |
38 | Estallido | Cerebro + Oreja de Gigante + Dinamita | Crece… ¡LUEGO GOLPEATE LA CABEZA! |
39 | Tictac | Cerebro + Dinamita | Explosión de cabeza … ay |
40 | Muelle | Pezuña De Jirafa + Dinamita | Explota tus pies |
41 | Fuegos artificiales | Fideos de piscina + dinamita | Conviértete en un fuego artificial |
42 | chorros explosivos | Sandiwch podrido + dinamita | ¡POO QUE EXPLOTA! |
43 | haciendo estallar | Frijoles + Dinamita | ESTALLIDO |
44 | Moteado | Araña + Camaleón | Verrugas de colores del arco iris |
45 | Muñeca de trapo | Cerebro + Sándwich Podrido | RAGDOLL |
46 | Cojear | Fideos de piscina + Sándwich podrido | Ir cojeando… |
47 | Pezuña ralentizada | Pezuña De Jirafa + Sándwich Podrido | Camina más lento |
48 | chorros gigantes | Oreja de Gigante + Sándwich Podrido | ENORME POO POO |
49 | Pedos de clonación | Hada + Sándwich Podrido | Poo mini-yo versiones de ti mismo |
50 | Construido | Frijoles + Sándwich Podrido | no me siento tan bien |
51 | Invisible | Cerebro + Camaleón | volverse invisible |
52 | Invisible | Cerebro + Camaleón + Cerebro | Spoookkky no más cabeza! |
53 | patas | Pezuña De Jirafa + Araña | Hacer crecer patas de araña |
54 | secuaces | hada + araña | ¡Ten secuaces araña! |
55 | Fantasmal | Pájaro + Araña | Conviértete en un fantasma |
56 | Banana | Frijoles + Oreja de Gigante + Pezuña de Jirafa + Hada | ¡CONVIÉRTETE EN GORILA! |
57 | cabeza larga | Cerebros + Frijoles | ¡CABEZA ESTIRADA! |
58 | Tacón alto | Pezuña de Jirafa + Oreja de Gigante + Pezuña de Jirafa | ¡Usar tacones altos! |
59 | Doppleganger | tu + camaleon | ¡Conviértanse en sus vecinos! |
60 | Hacia la cabeza | Tu + Cerebro | ¡Pon tu cabeza al revés! |
61 | Al revés | Tu + Cerebro + Tu | ¡Date la vuelta! |
62 | Mago | Cabeza de Jandel + Cabeza de Foryxe | ¡Conviértete en Oz el mago! |
63 | búsqueda de calor | Dinamita + Pájaro + Dinamita | Vuelo peligroso |
64 | Salida | Fideos de piscina + Sombrero de Cleetus | Conviértete en la lombriz sally… |
sesenta y cinco | Nuclear | Dinamita + Oreja de Gigante | ¡Ten cuidado de no tocar nada! |
66 | Levantar por levitación | pájaro + hada | ¡Levantar por levitación! |
67 | Flaco | Pezuña de Jirafa + Oreja de Gigante + Hada | ¡Sé flaco! |
68 | Laminación | Tú + fideos de piscina | ROLLLLLINNNNGGG! |
69 | Muelle | Pezuña De Jirafa + Dinamita + Frijoles | ¡REBOTE REBOTE REBOTE! |
70 | Desmoronadizo | Camaleón + Frijoles | Has comido tantos frijoles que te conviertes en ellos |
71 | Robux | Robux | Deja un rastro de Robux! |
72 | Empíreo | Robux + Cerebro | ¡Consigue un Dominus Empyreus! |
73 | Enlace | Robux + Tú | ¡Conviértete en el jugador más rico de ROBLOX! |
74 | cultivador de sombreros | Robux + Oreja de gigante | Haz crecer tus accesorios |
75 | Buxly | Robux + Camaleón | Eres tan rico que te has convertido en el bux |
76 | Robux | Robux + Pezuña De Jirafa | ¡Consigue Korblox! |
77 | Bosquejo | Bosquejo | ¡Conviértete en boceto! |
78 | Jayingee | Jayingee | ¡Conviértete en Jayingee! |
79 | Flybux | Robux + Pájaro | ¡Conviértete en un ROBUC volador! |
80 | Pobre | Robux + Sándwich podrido | ¡Oye, esta poción de ROBUX no funcionó! |
81 | Cuadrado | Robux + Pescado | ¡SR. CANGREJO! |
82 | Sr. rico | Ojo de cíclope | Por favor, no me disparen cañones… |
83 | Dorado | Robux + hada | ¡Conviértete en una estatua dorada! |
84 | Ensalada Premium | Ensalada Premium | ¡Conviértete en Premium Salad! |
85 | Invertir | Brebaje de brujas | ¡Invierte el mundo! |
86 | Vómito | Frijoles + Brebaje De Brujas | ERGHERHEGUERHER |
87 | Escoba | Cerveza de hadas + brujas | ¡Vuela en una escoba! |
88 | Calabaza | Robux + cerveza de brujas | CALABAZA SUPER RARO! |
89 | separador | Cerebro + Brebaje de brujas | ¡ATRAPA TU cabeza! |
90 | cuervos | Pájaro + Brebaje de brujas | Convoca a tu ejército de cuervos… |
91 | oler | Fideos de piscina + brebaje de brujas | Haz crecer una nariz de bruja… |
92 | Camión | Oreja de Gigante + Brebaje de Brujas | ¡Consigue un TRASERO GRANDE! |
93 | bruja | Tú + Brebaje de brujas | ¡Conviértete en Glinda la bruja! |
94 | nervioso | Sándwich podrido + brebaje de brujas | TWITCH TWITCH TWITCH! |
95 | golpeando las verrugas | Dinamita + Brebaje de brujas | ¡Tener verrugas explosivas! |
96 | Andrajoso | Araña + Brebaje de brujas | ¡CONVIÉRTETE EN UNA RATA! |
97 | Poción contundente | Guantes de boxeo | gran boxeador |
98 | ponche caliente | Chile + Guantes Boxeo | Golpéalos en llamas. OMS |
99 | Poción de golpe de gravedad | Pájaro + Guantes de Boxeo | Punzonado antigravedad. HACER |
100 | Poción de ponche de CEREBROS | Cerebro + Guantes de Boxeo | Golpes zombis. TÚ |
101 | Kabum | Dinamita + Guantes de Boxeo | Empaca un golpe explosivo. CONFIANZA |
102 | BEANOCK | Frijoles + Guantes De Boxeo | Golpear a la gente en Frijoles |
103 | Golpearpuñetazo | Oreja de Gigante + Guantes de Boxeo | ¡Golpea a la gente! |
104 | Combo de fideos | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina | ¡Combina para obtener más brazos de fideos! |
105 | Espaguetis | Camaleón + Hada + Camaleón + Fideos de piscina | ¡Brazos de espagueti! |
106 | Armas de fuego | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Chile | ¡Brazos de fideos de fuego! |
107 | Brazos grandes | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Oreja de gigante | ¡Grandes brazos de fideos! |
108 | Neón | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Brebaje de brujas | ¡BRAZOS DE FIDEOS DE NEÓN! |
109 | frijoles | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Frijoles | ¡BRAZOS DE FIDEOS CON FRIJOLES! |
110 | Escoba | Hada + Brujas Brew + Dinamita | Poción troll, que explota |
111 | Zombi elegante | Robux + Camaleón + Cerebro | Un zombie muy elegante |
112 | Larguirucho | justin | CAJA LANKY |
113 | hombre araña | Tú + Araña | ¡ESLINGA WEB! |
114 | Laminación de llamas | Tú + Fideos de piscina + Chile | ¡ROLLO EN LLAMAS! |
115 | Vamos-goooo | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Tú | DA BRAZOS DE BEBÉ! |
116 | Veneno | Sándwich podrido + Guantes de boxeo | Envenena a la gente con tus golpes |
117 | Sin cabeza | Pájaro + Cerebro | ¡Perder la cabeza! |
118 | Rata larga | Araña + Brebaje de brujas + Fideos de piscina | Conviértete en una rata larga |
119 | Gruñir | Etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue un cerdo de mascota |
120 | Tronco | Oreja de gigante + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue un elefante de mascota |
121 | Bicho | Etiquetas Araña + Mascota | Consigue una araña de mascota |
122 | Lagarto | Camaleón + Etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue una lagartija de mascota |
123 | Sssssssssssssssssss | Fideos de piscina + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue una serpiente de mascota |
124 | Mágico | Hada + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue un unicornio de mascota |
125 | Nueva Zelanda | Cabeza de Jandel + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue un kiwi de mascota |
126 | Nueva Zelanda | Cabeza de Foryxe + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue un kiwi de mascota |
127 | Armado | Pezuña de Jirafa + Araña + Fideos de Piscina | Crecer brazos de araña |
128 | disfraz de abeja | Abeja dormida | Conviértete en una abeja |
129 | Cariño | Cariño | ¡Cúbrete de miel! |
130 | pedos de fuego | Frijoles + Chile | |
130 | Onett | tu + cariño | ¡Conviértete en Onett! |
131 | Zumbido | Pájaro + Miel | hacer crecer alas de abeja |
132 | Rushhh | Pezuña De Jirafa + Miel | ¡SUGARRRRRR! |
133 | miel derretida | Chile + Miel | Derretir en miel |
134 | brazos dulces | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Miel | ¡Brazos de fideos con sabor a miel! |
135 | cuerpo arcoiris | Miel + Camaleón | ¡Conviértete en un encantador arcoíris! |
136 | Zumbido | Miel + etiquetas para mascotas | Consigue una abeja mascota |
137 | De reina | Miel + Robux | Conviértete en la abeja reina |
138 | cabeza zumbante | Miel + Cerebro | Consigue una abeja por cabeza |
139 | pedos de fuego | Frijoles + Chile | |
140 | fideos calientes | Huevocano | ¡Consigue Noodle Arms bastante calientes! |
141 | fideos calientes | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Eggcano | ¡Consigue Noodle Arms bastante calientes! |
142 | Clonboom | Tu + Eggcano | ¡Pobre pequeño clon! |
143 | Destello | Eggcano + Pezuña De Jirafa | Corre como EL FLASH AHHHHH |
144 | abeja explosiva | Eggcano + Miel | Abeja que explota! |
145 | bola de fuego | Eggcano + Pájaro | ¡Conviértete en una bola de fuego! |
146 | piel llameante | Eggcano + Chile | MIS PIELES EN LLAMAS |
147 | Ssssssssssssssss | Eggcano + Dinamita | ¡Conviértete en una enredadera! |
148 | Caliente-rico | Eggcano + Robux | ¡Consigue un dominus! |
149 | Lleno de vapor | Eggcano + Pescado | Conviértete en una nube de vapor |
150 | Melty | Eggcano + Sándwich Podrido | Conviértete en lava |
151 | Abeja de fuego | Tú + Miel + Eggcano | ¡Conviértete en una abeja de fuego de Bee Swarm Simulator! |
152 | cano | Eggcano + Fideos de piscina | ¡Conviértete en un pequeño beancano! |
153 | Boxeo | Eggcano + Guantes Boxeo | ¡kickboxing! |
154 | brazos dulces | Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Eggcano + Miel | ¡Consigue brazos pegajosos! |
155 | Brillante | Eggcano + Camaleón | BRILLAN EN LA OSCURIDAD |
156 | KSI | KSI | Conviértase en KSI |
157 | Chupa sangre | Pájaro + Hada + Araña | ¡Haz crecer alas de murciélago! |
158 | Armas de poción | Cabeza de Jandel + Cabeza de Foryxe + Camaleón + Fideos de piscina | ¡Brazos de poción! |
159 | ¿Cómo encontraste esto? | Cabeza de Jandel + Cabeza de Foryxe + Camaleón + Fideos de piscina + Camaleón | |
160 | fondo de pantalla | Kaden | Conviértete en Kaden Fumblebottom |
161 | Medusa | Fideos de piscina + Pescado | PESCADO DE GELATINA |
162 | cuerpo hinchable | Cerebro + Sándwich Podrido + Pájaro | ¡CUERPO ANIMADOR! |
163 | Sweetball | Witches Brew + Honey | Throw a honey ball! |
164 | Creepy Hands | Giant’s Ear + You | Grow creepy hands |
165 | Bean-man | KSI + Beans | Become the bean man! |
166 | Frog | Frog | Become a frog! |
167 | Frog-legs | Frog + Giraffe Hoof | Grow Frog Legs! |
168 | Prince | Frog + You | Become a cursed prince! |
169 | Tadpole | Frog + Fish | Become a tadpole! |
170 | Thicc | Frog + Giant’s Ear | Grow big legs |
171 | Banging-feet | Frog + Dynamite | Explode when you jump |
172 | Grapple-tongue | Frog + Brain | Use your frogs tongue |
173 | Hibertnation | Frog + Rotten Sandwich | Go to sleep |
174 | Infinite | Frog + Fairy | Infinite double jump |
175 | Lilyjump | Bird + Giraffe Hoof + Frog | Double jump and place a lily! |
176 | Eyes | Frog + Chameleon | Grow eyes that stair at people… creepy… |
177 | Bounce-high | Frog + Bird | Jump higher! |
178 | Lilypad-jumping | Bird + Giraffe Hoof + Fairy + Frog + Frog | Jump on a lilypad infinitely! |
179 | Frog-boxing | Frog + Boxing Gloves | Wart… Boxing… Gross… |
180 | Wall-walker | Giraffe Hoof + Frog + Spider | Walk on walls |
181 | Eeely | Frog + Pool Noodle | Morph into an eel |
182 | Bullet | Gun | A simple gun |
183 | Dynamite slinger | Gun + Dynamite | Sling dynamite! |
184 | Giant-ray | Gun + Giant’s Ear | Shot people with a giant ray! |
185 | Flamethrower | Gun + Chilli | BURNNNNNNN PEOPLE! |
186 | Bee-cannon | Gun + Honey | Fire bees!!! |
187 | Shrink ray | Gun + Fairy | Make people smaller! |
188 | Beangun | Gun + Beans | FIRE BEANS |
189 | Watergun | Gun + Fish | Squirtttt |
190 | Poopy-gun | Gun + Rotten Sandwich | FIRE POOP |
191 | Pig launcher | Gun + Pet Tags | Fire gurt |
192 | Poison hair | Gun + Spider | Fire gurt |
193 | Buxshoot | Gun + Robux | Fire Robux |
194 | Cow disguise | Cow Hat | Disguise yourself as a cow |
195 | Alien-arms | Chameleon + Pool Noodle + Alien Parasite | |
196 | Martian monkey | Jandel’s Head + Alien Parasite | Become a Martian Monkey |
197 | Parasite | Rotten Sandwich + Alien Parasite | AHHH A PARASITE IS ON YOUR FACE |
198 | Vapor | Dynamite + Alien Parasite | Get vaporized |
199 | Alienhead | Giant’s Ear + Alien Parasite | Grow a big aliens head |
200 | Eyeyyyy | Frog + Alien Parasite | Grow ALIEN EYES |
201 | Legs | Giraffe Hoof + Alien Parasite | Alien Legs |
202 | Neon | Chameleon + Alien Parasite | Become a bright green alien |
203 | Zero-gravity | Bird + Alien Parasite | LOSE ALL GRAVITY |
204 | DNA-scramble | Gun + Alien Parasite | DNA scrambler gun |
205 | Alien-clone | You + Alien Parasite | Become who you touch |
206 | Alien-eruption | Eggcano + Pool Noodle + Eggcano | Slime eruption |
207 | Alien-baby | Fairy + Alien Parasite | BABABY REDACTED |
208 | Alien | Alien Parasite | Alien Parasite |
209 | Nexure | Nexure’s Head | Become Nexure! |
210 | Nomer | Nomer’s Head | Become Nomer! |
211 | Void Star | Void Star | Become StarWars! |
212 | Long-bee | Pool noodle + Sleepy Bee | Become a LOONG BEE |
213 | Gills | Axolotl | Grow Axolotl Gills |
214 | Axolotl | Axolotl + You | AXOLOTL |
215 | Flying-bean | Beans + Bird | Become a flying bean |
216 | Fedora | Fedora | GAMER |
217 | Mariofly | Mariofly5’s Mask | Become Mariofly5! |
218 | Discoman | Disco ball | Become the man of disco |
219 | FIRE MUH LASER | Disco ball + Alien Parasite | Fire lasers |
220 | Techno-viking | Disco Ball + Giants Ear | Become the Techno Viking |
221 | Confetti-cannon | Disco Ball + Gun | Fire the confetti cannon |
222 | Neon-body | Disco Ball + Chameleon | Become the neon party animal! |
223 | Disco-head | Disco Ball + Brain | Grow a disco head! |
224 | Disco-body | Disco Ball + Brain + You | Become the disco |
225 | Confettiplosion | Disco Ball + Dynamite | Explode into confetti |
226 | Tail | Disco Ball + Witches Brew | Tail |
227 | Afro | Disco Ball + Robux | Get that bling bling afro |
228 | Rainfro | Disco Ball + Robux + Chameleon | Get that bling bling rainbow afro |
229 | Pet Frog | Pet Tag + Frog | Pet frog |
230 | Disco-grenade | Disco Ball + Chili | Disco Grenade |
231 | Speaker | Disco Ball + Fairy | Disco Grenade |
232 | Slinky | Disco Ball + Pool Noodle | Become the human slinky |
233 | Pumpkin-head | 2021 Pumpkin | Protects you from ender! |
234 | Headless horse | Giraffe Hoof + 2021 Pumpkin | Become the headless horse |
235 | Jackbomb | Dynamite + 2021 Pumpkin | Drop a jack-o-bomb |
236 | San | Beans + 2021 Pumpkin | Become the Sans |
237 | Skelly | Spider + 2021 Pumpkin | Become the skeleton |
238 | Dave | Poll Noodle + 2021 Pumpkin | Become Dave Skellington |
239 | Broomed | Witches Brew + 2021 Pumpkin | Fly on a broom as a witch! |
240 | Pumoodle | Chameleon + Pool Noodle + 2021 Pumpkin | Get pumpkin noodle arms! |
241 | Skull-arms | 2021 Pumpkin + Spider + Pool Noodle + Chameleon | Get skeleton noodle arms! |
242 | Pump-legs | Giant’s Ear + 2021 Pumpkin | Grow pumpkin legs! |
243 | Handed-head | Brain + 2021 Pumpkin | Grab your own head! |
244 | Youkin | You + 2021 Pumpkin | Become a giant pumpkin! |
245 | Pump-gloves | Boxing Gloves + 2021 Pumpkin | Pumpkin Gloves! |
246 | Sweet-shot | Gun + 2021 Pumpkin | Fire candy! |
247 | Candy-poop | Rotten Sandwich + 2021 Pumpkin | Poop candy! |
248 | Skeleton-spine | Undead | Grow a skeleton spine! |
249 | RIP | Undead + Rotten Sandwich | Placed in a grave |
250 | Skeleton-arms | Undead + Fairy | Get skeleton arms! |
251 | Frankenstein | Undead + You | Become Frankenstein! |
252 | Giant-cyclops | Undead + Giant’s Ear | Become a Cyclops! |
253 | Bone-gloves | Undead + Boxing Gloves | Bone Gloves! |
254 | Skull | Undead + Brain | Grow a skeleton head |
255 | Zombie-fish | Undead + Fish | Become a zombie fish! |
256 | Mr-explosion | Undead + Dynamite | Mr-explosion potion |
257 | Skeleton-wings | Undead + Bird | Grow skeleton wings! |
258 | Skeleton-legs | Undead + Giraffe Hoof | Grow skeleton legs! |
259 | Demon-girl | Undead + Spider | Run around possesed! |
260 | Pet-pumpkin | 2021 Pumpkin + Pet Tags | Get a pet pumpkin! |
261 | Bone-bow | Undead + Gun | Get a bone bow! |
262 | Fire-spine | Undead + Chili | Get a fiery skeleton spine! |
263 | Manublox | Manu | Become Manublox! |
264 | Zom-bee | Undead + Honey | Become a ZOM-BEE |
265 | Ghostbuster-equipment | GhostHunter Gear | Get ghostbuster equipment |
266 | Levitation | Ghost | Levitate like a ghost! |
267 | Echtoplasm-melt | Ghost + Chili | Become a melting ghost! |
268 | Ghost-bee | Ghost + Honey | Become a Ghost Bee! |
269 | Grim-reaper | Ghost + Undead | Become the grim reaper! |
270 | Flying-dutchman | Ghost + Fish | Become the flying dutchman! |
271 | Ghost-vision | Ghost + Rotten Sandwich | Enter the Ghost Dimension! |
272 | Marshmellow-giant | Ghost + Giant’s Ear | Become a giant marshmellow man! |
273 | Teal-pacghost | Ghost + Brain + Fish | Become a teal pacghost! |
274 | Ghost-elephant | Giant’s Ear + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost elephant! |
275 | Ghost-foryxe | Foryxe’s Head + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost Foryxekiwi! |
276 | Ghost-jandel | Jandel’s Head + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost Jandelkiwi! |
277 | Ghost-lizard | Chameleon + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost chameleon! |
278 | Ghost-pig | Ghost + Pet Tags | Get a pet ghost pig! |
279 | Ghost-snake | Pool Noodle + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost snake! |
280 | Ghost-spider | Spider + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost spider! |
281 | Ghost-unicorn | Fairy + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost unicorn! |
282 | Ghost-pumpkin | 2021 Pumpkin + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a ghost pumpkin pet! |
283 | Scared | Ghost + You | Get scared! |
284 | Red-pacghost | Ghost + Brain | Become a red pacghost |
285 | Pink-pacghost | Ghost + Brain + Fairy | Become a pink pacghost! |
286 | Orange-pacghost | Ghost + Brain + Dynamite | Become a orange pacghost! |
287 | Candycorn-arms | Corn | Get candy corn arms |
288 | Movie-popcorn | Corn + Brain | Become movie theatre popcorn! |
289 | Scarecrow | Corn + Bird | Become a scarecrow! |
290 | Corndude | Corn + You | Transform into corn |
291 | Candycorn-bee | Corn + Honey | Become a candy corn bee! |
292 | Candycorn-legs | Corn + Giraffe Hoof | Get candy corn legs |
293 | Popcorn-poop | Corn + Rotten Sandwich | Poop popcorn |
294 | Corn-grenade | Corn + Dynamite | Get a corn grenade |
295 | Popcorn-firework | Corn + Chili | Turn into popcorn firework |
296 | Rainbow-popcorn-firework | Corn + Chili + Chameleon | Turn into a rainbow popcorn firework |
297 | Popcorn-explosion | Corn + Beans | Explode into popcorn! |
298 | Popcorn-gloves | Corn + Boxing Gloves | Explode into popcorn! |
299 | Popcorn-gun | Corn + Gun | Get a popcorn gun! |
300 | Aussie-gravity | You + Brain + You + Bird | Australian Gravity |
301 | British-tea | Honey + Beans | A good cup ol’ cup of tea darling! |
302 | Sandwich-morph | Rotten Sandwich + You | Become…a…sandwich…whaat |
303 | Slenderrr | Giraffe Hoof + Giant’s Ear + Witches Brew | You found a note |
304 | Sans-rider | Undead + Eggcano | GHOSSSST-RIDDAAAAA + SANS |
305 | Sparkler-head | Undead + Discoball | Sparkler Head |
306 | Corn-arms | Pool Noodle + Corn | Corn Arms |
307 | Corn-legs | Pool Noodle + Corn + Giraffe Hoof | Corn Legs |
308 | Explosive-vomit | Beans + Witches Brew + Dynamite | Your vomit is explosive! |
309 | Flying-eye | Cyclops Eye + Bird | Become Mr. Rich’s flying eye LOL! |
310 | Sunburn | Chili + You | Burning sun of death! |
311 | Revive-player | Undead + Witches Brew | Revive after dying! |
312 | Old | Walking Cane | Become old |
313 | Builders-Club-hat | Walking Cane + Brain | Get a Builder’s Club hat! |
314 | Flamingo-gf | Walking Cane + Bird | Become flamingo’s girlfriend |
315 | Builderman | Walking Cane + You | Become Builderman |
316 | Domino-crown | Walking Cane + Frog | Become Builderman |
317 | Old-vision | Walking Cane + Ghost | Get old-timey vision |
318 | Dog-vision | Walking Cane + Pet Tags | Get dog vision |
319 | Ninja-mask-of-awesome | Walking Cane + Eggcano | Equip the ninja mask of awesome! |
320 | Guest | Walking Cane + Pool Noodle | Become a guest! |
321 | Studded-brick | Walking Cane + Giraffe Hoof | Become a studded brick! |
322 | Old-movie-vision | Walking Cane + Pet Tags + Walking Cane + Ghost | Get old movie vision! |
323 | Clash-sword | Walking Cane + Corn | Equip the classic sword! |
324 | Winged-bean | Walking Cane + Beans | Become a winged bean! |
325 | Throw-tix | Walking Cane + Robux | MAKE IT RAIN TIX! |
326 | Old-glinda | Walking Cane + Witches Brew | Become old Glinda! |
327 | Old-oz | Oz’s Wallet | Become the Old OG Oz |
328 | Turkey | Turkey | Gobble Gobble! |
329 | Turkey-dinner | Cooked Turkey | Mmmmm turkey! |
330 | Turkey-arms | Cooked Turkey + Pool Noodle | Get Turkey Arms! |
331 | Turkey-legs | Cooked Turkey + Giraffe Hoof | Get Turkey Legs! |
332 | Cornucopia-shoes | Cooked Turkey + Corn | Get Cornucopia Shoes! |
333 | Turkey-poop | Cooked Turkey + Rotten Sandwich | Poop turkey eggs! |
334 | Potato-musket | Cooked Turkey + Gun | Get a potato gun! |
335 | Turkey-dance | Cooked Turkey + Disco Ball | Do the turkey dance! |
336 | Potato-grenade | Cooked Turkey + Dynamite | Get a sweet potato grenade! |
337 | Turkey-bow | Cooked Turkey + Bird | Get a turkey bow! |
338 | Fez | Cooked Turkey + Brain | Get a Turkish hat! |
339 | Pet-turkey | Cooked Turkey + Pet Tags | Get a pet turkey! |
340 | Pie-bee | Cooked Turkey + Honey | Become a pumpkin pie bee! |
341 | Turkey-leg-club | Cooked Turkey + Undead | Get a turkey leg weapon |
342 | Turkey-Rex | Cooked Turkey + Giant’s Ear | Become a dino turkey! |
343 | Snowball-morph | Snowball | Become a ball of snow! |
344 | Santa | Gingerbread Man | Become Santa! |
345 | Xmas-bee | Gingerbread Man + Honey | Become an xmas bee! |
346 | Xmas-spine | Gingerbread Man + Walking Cane | Get an xmas spine! |
347 | Ginger-arms | Gingerbread Man + Pool Noodle | Get gingerbread arms! |
348 | Ginger-legs | Gingerbread Man + Giraffe Hoof | Get gingerbread legs! |
349 | Grinch | Gingerbread Man + Spider | Become a grinch! |
350 | Skis | Gingerbread Man + Fish | Get skis! |
351 | Present-grenade | Gingerbread Man + Dynamite | Get a present grenade |
352 | Present-poop | Gingerbread Man + Rotten Sandwhich | Poop presents! |
353 | Present-gloves | Gingerbread Man + Boxing Gloves | Get present boxing gloves! |
354 | Present | Gingerbread Man + You | Become a present! |
355 | Giant-snowball | Gingerbread Man + Giant’s Ear | Roll a giant snowball |
356 | Present-bomb | Gingerbread Man + Chili | Get a present bomb! |
357 | Carrot | Carrot | Become a carrot |
358 | Potato-head | Carrot + Gingerbread Man | Become mr. potato head |
359 | Mrs-potato-head | Carrot + Gingerbread Man + Fairy | Become mrs. potato head |
360 | Celery-legs | Carrot + Giraffe Hoof | Get celery legs |
361 | Celery-arms | Carrot + Pool Noodle | Get celery arms |
362 | Bunny | Carrot + Frog | Become a bunny! |
363 | Carrot-eyes | Carrot + Walking Cane | Get Vitamin-A vision! |
364 | Sad-onion | Carrot + Fish | Become a sad onion ;( |
365 | Eggplant-morph | Carrot + 2021 Pumpkin | Become an eggplant |
366 | Ketchup-morph | Carrot + Eggcano | Become ketchup! |
367 | Ketchup-flamethrower | Carrot + Eggcano + Gun | Get a ketchup flamethrower |
368 | Melon-morph | Carrot + Chameleon | Become a melon! |
369 | Mushroom-morph | Carrot + Undead | Become a mushroom! |
370 | Mole-morph | Carrot + Cooked Turkey | Become a mole! |
371 | Tomato-morph | Carrot + Chili | Become a tomato! |
372 | Avocado-morph | Carrot + Beans | Become an avocado! |
373 | Tomato-grenade | Carrot + Dynamite | Get a tomato grenade! |
374 | Salad-morph | Carrot + Spider | Become a salad! |
375 | New-years | New Year’s Ball | Become the New Year’s Ball! |
376 | New-years-hat | New Year’s Ball + Brain | Get a New Year’s celebration hat |
377 | New-years-sparkler | New Year’s Ball + Dynamite | Get a New Year’s celebration sparkler |
378 | Ra | Egyptian Head | Become an Egyptian God |
379 | Sphinx-head | Egyptian Head + Brain | Get an Egyptian head |
380 | Anubis | Egyptian Head + Bird | Become an Egyptian bird |
381 | Cactus | Egyptian Head + Carrot | Become a cactus |
382 | Magic-carpet | Egyptian Head + Fairy | Get a flying magic carpet |
383 | Walk-like-an-egyptian | Egyptian Head + Disco Ball | Walk like an Egyptian dance! |
384 | Mummy | Egyptian Head + Undead | Become a mummy |
385 | Pyramid-bomb | Egyptian Head + Dynamite | Get a pyramid bomb! |
386 | Pyramid-poop | Egyptian Head + Rotten Sandwhich | Poop pyramids! |
387 | Sand-melt | Egyptian Head + Chili | Melt into sand! |
388 | Scarabee | Egyptian Head + Honey | Become a scarabee |
389 | Scarab-morph | Egyptian Head + Spider | Become a scarab |
390 | Egyptian-sword | Egyptian Head + Gun | Get an Egyptian sword! |
391 | Pyramid-morph | Egyptian Head + You | Become a pyramid! |
392 | Davy-jones | Pirate Hat | Become Davy Jones |
393 | Parrot-friend | Pirate Hat + Bird | Get a parrot friend! |
394 | Captain-morph | Pirate Hat + Fish | Become a captain! |
395 | Doubloon-morph | Pirate Hat + You | Become a doubloon! |
396 | Eye-patch | Pirate Hat + Carrot | Get an eyepatch! |
397 | Pierre-pan | Pirate Hat + Fairy | Become pierre pan! |
398 | Pirate-bee | Pirate Hat + Honey | Aaaaarg bzzz bzzz! |
399 | Captain-hat | Pirate Hat + Brain | Get a captain’s hat! |
400 | Peg-leg | Pirate Hat + Giraffe Hoof | Get a peg leg! |
401 | Pirate-pistol | Pirate Hat + Gun | Get a pirate pistol! |
402 | Squid-friend | Pirate Hat + Frog | Get a squid friend! |
403 | Pirate-sword | Pirate Hat + Pool Noodle | Get a swashbuckling sword! |
404 | Pirate-skeleton | Pirate Hat + Undead | Become a spooky pirate! |
405 | Treasure-bomb | Pirate Hat + Dynamite | Get a treasure bomb! |
406 | Treasure-poop | Pirate Hat + Rotten Sandwich | Poop treasure! |
407 | Tumble-weed | Tumble Weed | Become a tumble weed |
408 | Moo-head | Tumble Weed + Egyptian Head | Get a cow head |
409 | Cow-bee | Tumble Weed + Honey | Become a Wild West Bee |
410 | Cowboy-boots | Tumble Weed + Giraffe Hoof | Get cowboy boots |
411 | Cowboy-hat | Tumble Weed + Brain | Get a cowboy hat |
412 | Cowboy-sheriff | Tumble Weed + Pirate Hat | Become a sheriff |
413 | Golden-morph | Tumble Weed + You | Become a golden nugget |
414 | Horse-poo | Tumble Wood + Rotten Sandwich | Poop horse shoes |
415 | Pickaxe | Tumble Weed + Pool Noodle | Get a pickaxe |
416 | Powderkeg-bomb | Tumble Weed + Dynamite | Throw a power keg |
417 | Prairedog-morph | Tumble Weed + Carrot | Become a prairie dog |
418 | Cowboy-revolver | Tumble Weed + Gun | Get a revolver |
419 | Robber-mask | Tumble Weed + Frog | Get a robber mask |
420 | Wild-west-star | Tumble Weed + Fairy | Get a wild west throwing star |
421 | Leprechaun | Pot of Gold | Become a Leprechaun! |
422 | St-patrick-bee | Pot Of Gold + Honey | Become a St. Patrick’s Bee! |
423 | Irish-step-dance | Pot Of Gold + Disco Ball | Start an Irish dance party! |
424 | Irish-Fairy | Pot Of Gold + Fairy | Become an Irish Fairy! |
425 | Harp | Pot Of Gold + Witches Brew | Get a harp! |
426 | Top-hat | Pot Of Gold + Brain | Get an Irish top hat! |
427 | Irish-sword | Pot of Gold + Pool Noodle | Get an Irish sword! |
428 | Irish-vision | Pot Of Gold + Chameleon | Get Irish vision! |
429 | Marshmallow-morph | Pot Of Gold + You | Become a marshmallow! |
430 | Marshmallow-poop | Pot Of Gold + Rotten Sandwich | Poop marshmallows |
431 | Lucky-cereal-morph | Pot Of Gold + Fish | Become a cereal morph! |
432 | Lucky-gloves | Pot Of Gold + Boxing Gloves | Get lucky boxing gloves! |
433 | Lucky-bomb | Pot Of Gold + Dynamite | Get a pot of gold bomb! |
434 | Rainbow-gun | Pot Of Gold + Gun | Get a rainbow gun! |
435 | NFT-morph | Ethereum Crystal | Become an NFT! |
436 | Bot-bee | Ethereum Crystal + Honey | Become a robotic bee! |
437 | Gem-poo | Ethereum Crystal + Rotten Sandwich | Poop gems! |
438 | Castle-gun | Ethereum Crystal + Gun | Get a castle in the sky gun! |
439 | Gem-grenade | Ethereum Crystal + Dynamite | Get a gem grenade! |
440 | Breathe-fire | Ethereum Crystal + Chili | Breathe fire! |
441 | Robot-gloves | Ethereum Crystal + Boxing Gloves | Get robot boxing gloves! |
442 | Gem-levitation | Ethereum Crystal + Witches Brew | Feel the power of the gem! |
443 | Robot-arms | Ethereum Crystal + Pool Noodle | Get robot arms! |
444 | Robot-legs | Ethereum Crystal + Giraffe Hoof | Get robot legs! |
445 | Knight-morph | Ethereum Crystal + Frog | Become a knight! |
446 | NFT-rain | Ethereum Crystal + Fish | NFT rain! |
447 | Sky-girl | Ethereum Crystal + Fairy | Become the sky castle girl! |
448 | Robo-giant | Ethereum Crystal + Giant’s Ear | Become the sky castle robot! |
449 | Sky-pirate | Ethereum Crystal + Pirate Hat | Become the sky castle pirate! |
450 | Kite | Ethereum Crystal + Bird | Take a ride on the sky kite! |
451 | Egg | Egg | Does nothing! |
452 | Egg-morph | Faberge Egg | Become an egg! |
453 | Egg-grenade | Faberge Egg + Dynamite | Throw an easter egg |
454 | Duck-friends | Faberge Egg + Bird | Get some duck friends |
455 | Bunny-ears | Faberge Egg + Brain | Get bunny ears! |
456 | Chocomelt | Faberge Egg + Chili | Melt into chocolate! |
457 | Easter-bunny | Faberge Egg + You | Become the Easter Bunny! |
458 | Easter-bee | Faberge Egg + Honey | Turn into an easter bee! |
459 | Bunny-pjs | Faberge Egg + Beans | Put on some PJ’s! |
460 | Egg-camo | Faberge Egg + Chameleon | Turn into a camo egg |
461 | Egg-gun | Faberge Egg + Guns | Get an egg gun |
462 | Evil-bunny | Faberge Egg + Witches Brew | Become the evil bunny |
463 | Peep-morph | Faberge Egg + Fish | Become a peep |
464 | Egg-poop | Faberge Egg + Rotten Sandwhich | Poop Easter Eggs |
465 | Bunny-legs | Faberge Egg + Giraffe Hoof | Get rabbit legs! |
466 | Rocket-fuel | Dynamite + Chili | Rocket Fuel! |
467 | Star-pulse | Star Shard | Become a pulsing star! |
468 | Glitter-fart | Star Shard + Rotten Sandwich | Fart glitter! |
469 | Blackhole | Star Shard + Pirate Hat | Launch a black hole, warning! |
470 | Blackhole-gloves | Star Shard + Boxing Gloves | Knock ‘em out with black holes! |
471 | Elon-musk | Star Shard + You | Become the richest man in the world! |
472 | Low-gravity | Star Shard + Fairy | Experience low gravity! |
473 | High-gravity | Star Shard + Fairy + Fish | Experience high gravity! |
474 | Laser-gun | Star Shard + Gun | Get a laser gun! |
475 | Martian | Star Shard + Chameleon | Become a martian! |
476 | Shooting-star | Star Shard + Dynamite | Become a shooting star! |
477 | Sun-morph | Star Shard + Brain | Become the sun! |
478 | Supernova | Star Shard + Chili | Vaporize your enemies! |
479 | Worm-hole | Star Shard + Pool Noodle | Teleport somewhere?! |
480 | Night-time | Star Shard + Frog | Turn off the lights! |
481 | Meteor-strike | Star Shard + Spider | Launch meteors! |
482 | Bean-drone | Coconut | Become a bean drone! |
483 | Coconut-tree | Coconut + Chameleon | Become a deadly coconut tree! |
484 | Coconut-roll | Coconut + You | Become a coconut! |
485 | Coconut-arms | Coconut + Pool Noodle | Get coconut arms! |
486 | Coconut-gloves | Coconut + Boxing Gloves | Get coconut boxing globes! |
487 | Coconut-grenade | Coconut + Dynamite | Get a coconut grenade! |
488 | Dancing-pineapple | Coconut + Disco Ball | Become a dancing pineapple |
489 | Pineapple-trampoline | Coconut + Frog | Spawn a pineapple trampoline |
490 | Sponge | Coconut + Fish | Become a sponge! |
491 | Coconut-legs | Coconut + Giraffe Hoof | Get coconut legs! |
492 | Orbit-pyramid | Illuminati Pyramid | Get an orbiting pyramid |
493 | Pyramid-head | Illuminati Pyramid + Brain | Get a pyramid head! |
494 | Pyramid-noodle-arms | Illuminati Pyramid + Pool Noodle | Get pyramid noodle arms! |
495 | Pyramid-grenade | Illuminati Pyramid + Dynamite | Get a pyramid grenade! |
496 | Pyramid-man | Illuminati Pyramid + You | Become the illuminati! |
497 | Golden-gun | Illuminati Pyramid + Gun | Turn everything to gold! |
498 | Paintgun-blue | Paintbrush | Get a blue paint gun |
499 | Paintgun-orange | Paintbrush + Honey | Get an orange paint gun |
500 | Paintgun-purple | Paintbrush + Fairy | Get a purple paint gun |
501 | Paintgun-rainbow | Paintbrush + Chamelon | Get a rainbow paint gun |
502 | Paintgun-red | Paintbrush + Chili | Get a red paint gun |
503 | Paintgun-yellow | Paintbrush + Spider | Get a yellow paint gun |
504 | Paintbrush-sword | Paintbrush + Gun | Get a paintbrush sword |
505 | Paintbursh-arms | Paintbrush + Pool Noodle | Get paintbrush arms |
506 | Paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite | Get a blue paint grenade |
507 | Green-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Frog | Get a green paint grenade |
508 | Orange-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Honey | Get an orange paint grenade |
509 | Purple-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Fairy | Get a purple paint grenade |
510 | Rainbow-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Chameleon | Get a rainbow paint grenade |
511 | Red-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Chili | Get a red paint grenade |
512 | Yellow-paint-grenade | Paintbrush + Dynamite + Spider | Get a yellow paint grenade |
513 | Paint-bucket-head | Paintbrush + Brain | Get a paint bucket head |
514 | Paint-bucket | Paintbrush + You | Become a paint bucket! |
515 | Jellybean | Jellybean | Become a Jelly Bean! |
516 | Jelly-thrower | Jellybean + Gun | Get a jelly bean flamethrower! |
517 | Jelly-grenade | Jellybean + Dynamite | Get a jelly bean grenade! |
518 | Jelly-walk | Jellybean + Giraffe Hoof | Walk on jelly beans! |
519 | Jelly-poop | Jellybean + Rotten Sandwich | PoopJellyBeans |
520 | Jelly-rain | Jellybean + Chameleon | Make it rain jelly beans! |
521 | Green-paint-gun | Jellybean + Paintbrush | Get a green paint gun! |
522 | Cake | Birthday Cake | Become a slice of cake! |
523 | Cake-bee | Birthday Cake + Honey | Become a cake bee! |
524 | Cake-boxing-gloves | Birthday Cake + Boxing Gloves | Get Cake Boxing Gloves! |
525 | Cake-poo | Birthday Cake + Rotten Sandwich | Poop Birthday Cake! |
526 | Candle-arms | Birthday Cake + Pool Noodle | Get Candle Arms! |
527 | Candle-legs | Birthday Cake + Giraffe Hoof | Get Candle Legs! |
528 | Candle | Birthday Cake + You | Become a Candle! |
529 | Cake-growths | Birthday Cake + Witches Brew | Spawn cake underneath your feet! |
530 | Match-sword | Birthday Cake + Chili | Light your enemies on fire! |
531 | Taco | Taco | Become a taco! |
532 | Taco-gun | Taco + Gun | Get a taco gun! |
533 | Burrito | Taco + Giant’s Ear | Become a burrito! |
534 | Sombrero | Taco + Brain | Get a Sombrero! |
535 | Taco-bee | Taco + Honey | Become a taco bee! |
536 | Taco-poo | Taco + Rotten Sandwich | Poop tacos! |
537 | Tostado-ufo | Taco + Fish | Become a TostadaUFO |
538 | Smoothie | Oz’s Sunglasses | Become a refreshing Smoothie! |
539 | Summer-bee | Oz’s Sunglasses + Honey | Become a Summer Bee! |
540 | Sunglasses | Oz’s Sunglasses + Witches Brew | Get Sunglasses! |
541 | Duck-floatie | Oz’s Sunglasses + Fish | Get a duck floatie |
542 | Sunscreen | Oz’s Sunglasses + Giant’s Ear | Become sunscreen! |
543 | Summer-gun | Oz’s Sunglasses + Gun | Get a summer gun! |
544 | Sunglasses-vision | Oz’s Sunglasses + Brain | Get sunglass vision! |
545 | Umbrella | Oz’s Sunglasses + Bird | Get a magical umbrella! |
546 | Watermelon-ball | Oz’s Sunglasses + Carrot | Become a watermelon! |
547 | Pool-floaties | Oz’s Sunglasses + Pool Noodle | Get pool floaties! |
548 | Orb | Magic Orb | Become an Orb! |
549 | Fly-orb | Magic Orb + Fairy | Fly on an Orb! |
550 | Orb-grenade | Magic Orb + Dynamite | Get an Orb Grenade |
551 | Orb-head | Magic Orb + Brain | Get a big orb head! |
552 | Rollin-orb | Magic Orb + Coconut | Become a rollin orb! |
553 | Orb-arms | Magic Orb + Pool Noodle | Get orb arms! |
554 | Orb-poop | Magic Orb + Rotten Sandwich | Poop Orbs! |
555 | Orbiting-orbs | Magic Orb + Ethereum Crystal | Get Orbiting Orbs! |
556 | Silver-paintgun | Magic Orb + Paintbrush | Get a silver paint gun! |
557 | Banana-split | Icecream Cone | Become a banana split! |
558 | Popsicle-arms | Icecream Cone + Pool Noodle | Get popsicle arms |
559 | Icecream-bee | Icecream Cone + Honey | Become an ice cream bee! |
560 | Brain-freeze | Icecream Cone + Brain | Get a brain freeze! |
561 | Popsicle-legs | Icecream Cone + Giraffe Hoof | Get popsicle legs! |
562 | Icecream-poo | Icecream Cone + Rotten Sandwich | Poop icecream! |
563 | Icecream-sandwich | Icecream Cone + Beans | Become an icecream sandwich! |
564 | Snow-cone | Icecream Cone + Oz’s Sunglasses | Become a snow cone! |
565 | Waffle-cone | Icecream Cone + Fish | Become a waffle cone! |
566 | Unicorn-friends | Horse Shoe | Get a Unicorn Friend! |
567 | Horseshoe-arms | Horse Shoe + Pool Noodle | Get horse shoe noodle arms! |
568 | Throwing-horseshoe | Horse Shoe + Ethereum Crystal | Get a horse shoe weapon! |
569 | Horse-legs | Horse Shoe + Giraffe Hoof | Get horse legs! |
570 | Flying-unicorn | Horse Shoe + Fairy | Become a flying unicorn! |
571 | Horse-bee | Horse Shoe + Honey | Become a horse bee! |
572 | Horse-head | Horse Shoe + Brain | Turn your head into a horse’s! |
573 | Horse-body | Horse Shoe + Giant’s Ear | Become a centaur! |
574 | Fire-logs | Flamey | Get campfire log arms! |
575 | S’more | Flamey + Coconut | Become a s’more! |
576 | Fish-grapple | Flamey + Fish | Get a fishing rod grapple hook! |
577 | Flash-bang | Flamey + Dynamite | Get a flash bang |
578 | Lantern | Flamey + You | Become a lantern |
579 | Campfire-legs | Flamey + Giraffe Hoof | Get campfire legs |
580 | Pine-tree | Flamey + Spider | Become a pine tree |
581 | Sasquatch | Flamey + Ethereum Crystal | Become Sasquatch! |
582 | Banana-noodle-arms | Monkey’s Paw | Get banana noodle arms! |
583 | Banana-legs | Monkey’s Paw + Giraffe Hoof | Get banana legs! |
584 | Banana-broom | Monkey’s Paw + Witches Brew | Get a banana broomstick! |
585 | Monkeypox | Monkey’s Paw + Frog | Get monkeypox! |
586 | Banana-gun | Monkey’s Paw + Gun | Get a banana gun! |
587 | Monkey-poo | Monkey’s Paw + Rotten Sandwich | Get throwable monkey poo! |
588 | Jaws | Shark Tooth | Become Jaws! |
589 | Shark-gun | Shark Tooth + Gun | Get the iconic shark gun |
590 | Shark-arms | Shark Tooth + Pool Noodle | Get shark noodle arms! |
591 | Shark-poo | Shark Tooth + Rotten Sandwich | Get shark poop! |
592 | Sharknado | Shark Tooth + Ethereum Crystal + Disco Ball | SHARKNADO! |
593 | Sword-fish | Shark Tooth + Fish | SWORDfish! |
594 | Shield | Shield | Get a hover shield! |
595 | Crossbow | Shield + Gun | Get a crossbow! |
596 | Ginger-minion | Shield + Fairy | Gingerbread minion! |
597 | Gumdrop-bomb | Shield + Dynamite | Gumdrop bomb! |
598 | Gumdrop-poo | Shield + Rotten Sandwich | Gumdrop poo! |
599 | Shield-arms | Shield + Pool Noodle | Shield Arms! |
600 | Sword-shield | Shield + Brain | Sword + shield! |
601 | Throwable-shield | Shield + Monkey’s Paw | Throwable shield! |
602 | Creepy | Lava Bucket | SSSSSSS BOOM |
603 | Diamond-sword | Lava Bucket + Pool Noodle + Shield | Defend yourself! |
604 | Diamond-pickaxe | Lava Bucket + Frog | Dig deep! |
605 | Lava-thrower | Lava Bucket + Gun | Lava attacks! |
606 | Lava-portal | Lava Bucket + Witches Brew | Lava portal! |
607 | Lava-noodle-arms | Lava Bucket + Pool Noodle | Lava noodle arms! |
608 | TNT-bomb | Lava Bucket + Dynamite | TNT! |
609 | Steven | Lava Bucket + You | Steven! |
610 | Diamond-armor | Lava Bucket + Ethereum Crystal | Get Diamond Armor! |
611 | Village-guy | Lava Bucket + Brain | Become a village guy! |
612 | Pencil | Pencil | Become a pencil |
613 | Eraser | Pencil + Chameleon | Become an eraser |
614 | Eraser-gun | Pencil + Chameleon + Paintbrush | Get an eraser gun |
615 | Hover-pencil | Pencil + Fairy | Pencil hoverboard! |
616 | Pencil-legs | Pencil + Giraffe Hoof | Get pencil legs! |
617 | Pencil-noodle-arms | Pencil + Pool Noodle | Get pencil arms! |
618 | Pencil-sword | Pencil + Shield | Get pencil sword! |
619 | Peanut | Peanut | Become a peanut |
620 | Peanut-butter | Peanut + Honey | Become peanut butter |
621 | Peanut-head | Peanut + Brain | Get a peanut head |
622 | Peanut-poo | Peanut + Rotten Sandwich | Poop peanuts |
623 | Peanut-grenade | Peanut + Dynamite | Get a peanut grenade! |
624 | Squirrel | Peanut + Coconut | Become a squirrel |
625 | Peanut-arms | Peanut + Pool Noodle | Get peanut noodle arms! |
626 | Random | Random | Get a random effect! |
627 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Related: How to get the chili pepper ingredient in Roblox Wacky Wizards
Premium Potions in Roblox Wacky Wizards
The premium potions in Roblox Wacky Wizards contain at least one premium ingredient in each recipe. These premium ingredients cost Robux to obtain, so you will have to pay real money to create the potions in the list below. Once paid for, these ingredients are yours to keep. Premium potions are recognizable in the potions book by the yellow highlighted texted.
Potions | Recipe | Description | |
P1 | Frozen | Frozen Egg | Become frozen! |
P2 | God | Zeus’s Beard | Harness the power of zeus! |
P3 | Rotation | Hat of Gears | Rotate your body |
P4 | Leafy | Magic Seed | Become one with nature |
P5 | 60’s | Magic Seed + Fairy | Grow flowers wherever you go! |
P6 | Accelerating | Zeus’s Beard + Giraffe Hoof | Getting faster and faster… |
P7 | Air Walk | Bird + Frozen Egg | WHERES MY SUPERSUIT! |
P8 | Boombox | Hat of Gears + Zeus’s Beard | Play music! |
P9 | Bushy | Magic Seed + Chameleon | Turn into a hidden bush! |
P10 | Dizzy | Hat of Gears + Brain | Spin your head! |
P11 | Fuse | Hat of Gears + Dynamite | you don’t have much time |
P12 | Hard as | Masgic Seed + Chameleon + Hat of Gears | TURN INTO ROCK! |
P13 | Headdle | Hat of Gears + Giraffe Hoof + Brain | Let your friends sit on your head! |
P14 | Human Flight | Zeus’s Beard + Bird | FLY LIKEEE A BIRD |
P15 | Ice | Frozen Egg + Chameleon | Become ice |
P16 | Infectious | Zeus’s Beard + Rotten Sandwich | Infect players around you with warts |
P17 | Jetpack | Hat of Gears + Bird | Create a jetpack |
P18 | Saddle | Hat of Gears + Giraffe Hoof | Let your friends sit on your back! |
P19 | Shroom | Magic Seed + Rotten Sandwich | Grow mushrooms wherever you go! |
P20 | Statue | Chameleon + Zeus’s Beard | Turn players white |
P21 | Slip | Giraffe Hoof + Frozen Egg | SLLIPPPPERRRY! |
P22 | Stumped | Magic Seed + Giraffe Hoof | Grow tree legs! |
P23 | Sus | Hat of Gears + Beans | verrrrrry susss |
P24 | Unlucky | Zeus’s Beard + Dynamite | That’s unfortunate |
P25 | Waterwalking | Fish + Frozen Egg | WALK ON WATER |
P26 | Rock Bender | Magic Seed + Zeus’s Beard | Bend rocks to your will! |
P27 | Teleportation | Zeus’s Beard + Fairy | Teleport wherever your heart desires! |
P28 | Meteorite | Zeus’s Beard + Beans | Fire bean meteorites! |
P29 | Flying Poo | Hat of Gears + Bird + Rotten Sandwich | Create a jetpack from poop |
P30 | Clone Army | You + Magic Seed | Clone yourself |
P31 | Caveman | You + Frozen Egg | Become a prehistoric caveman |
P32 | Size Controller | Fairy + Giant’s Ear + Zeus’s Beard | Control Your Size |
P33 | Golden Tree | Robux + Magic Seed | Grow a golden tree! |
P34 | Bux Walk | Robux + Frozen Egg | Walk on ROBUX! |
P35 | Throbux | Robux + Hat of Gears | MAKE IT RAIN ROBUX! |
P36 | Goldify | Robux + Fairy + Chameleon + Zeus’s Beard | Turn players golden! |
P37 | Death | Magic Seed + Witches Brew | Grow a dead tree! |
P38 | Floating | Hat of Gears + Witches Brew | Would you look at that, a floating hat! |
P39 | Vehicle | Wheel | Turn into a car! |
P40 | Monster | Giant’s Ear + Wheel | Turn into a monster truck! |
P41 | Limo | Pool Noodle + Wheel | Turn into a limo! |
P42 | Teeny Wheel | Fairy + Wheel | Turn into a tiny car! |
P43 | Let’s Goo | Beans + Wheel | Let’s goooo! |
P44 | Take Off | Bird + Wheel | Take off like a plane… kind of… |
P45 | Kachow | Zeus’s Beard + Wheel | KA-CHOW |
P46 | Burning Car | Chilli + Wheel | BURNING |
P47 | Ant | Spider + Wheel | Become an ANT MOBILE! |
P48 | Rich | Robux + Wheel | Drive this rich mans car! |
P49 | Explodespell | Zeus’s Beard + Witches Brew | Cast an explosion! |
P50 | Frozen-hit potion | Frozen Egg + Boxing Gloves | Hit them cold! |
P51 | Shocking-hit potion | Zeus’s Beard + Boxing Gloves | Hit them with electricity! |
P52 | Icy-arm | Chameleon + Noodle + Frozen Egg | Fire Noodle Arms! |
P53 | Frozen | Frozen Egg + Magic Seed | Become a Frozen Tree! |
P54 | Freeze-burn | Frozen Egg + Chilli | Freeze to death! |
P55 | Spinny legs | Giraffe Hoof + Fairy + Hat of Gears | Spin your legs! |
P56 | Melting | Frozen Egg + Witches Brew | Melt into the abyss! |
P57 | Sus-Punch | Hat of Gears + Beans + Boxing Gloves | Punch people sus |
P58 | Oink-Mount | Mount | Ride a Pig |
P59 | Happy Feet | Frozen Egg + Pet Tags | Get a pet penguin |
P60 | Penguin Mount | Mount + Frozen Egg | Ride a penguin |
P61 | Giraffe Mount | Mount + Giraffe Hoof | Ride a giraffe |
P62 | Sssssss Mount | Mount + Pool Noodle | Get eaten by a snake |
P63 | Lizard Mount | Mount + Chameleon | Ride a lizard |
P64 | Spooky Mount | Mount + Spider | Ride a spider |
P65 | Giant Mount | Mount + Giant’s Ear | Ride an elephant |
P66 | Unicorn Mount | Mount + Fairy | Ride a unicorn |
P67 | New Zealand Mount | Mount + Jandel’s Head | Ride a kiwi |
P68 | New Zealand Mount | Mount + Foryxe’s Head | Ride a kiwi |
P69 | Beed | Zeus’s Beard + Honey | Spawn Bee’s where you click |
P70 | Bee mount | Honey + Mount | Get a bee mount |
P71 | Fire-statue | Chameleon + Zeus’s Beard + Eggcano | Turn players golden! |
P72 | Cauldron | Mr. Cauldron | Becoming a working cauldron! |
P73 | Cannon | Mr. Cauldron + Dynamite | Become a cannon and fire players out! |
P74 | ? | ? | ? |
P75 | Erupting | Eggcano + Hat of Gears | Summon a volcano! |
P76 | Beany | Mr. Cauldron + Beans | Become a can of beans and let players eat! |
P77 | Pressing | Mr. Cauldron + Eggcano | Don’t let anyone touch! |
P78 | Landmine | Mr. Cauldron + Giraffe Hoof | Drop a landmine |
P79 | Honey-walk | Honey + Frozen Egg | Walk on water with honey! |
P80 | Lava-walk | Eggcano + Frozen Egg | Walk on water with lava! |
P81 | Blastoff | Mr. Cauldron + Bird | Become a rideable rocketship |
P82 | Cooker | Mr. Cauldron + Chilli | Cook people! |
P83 | Hot-air balloon | Mr. Cauldron + Giant’s Ear | Hot Air Balloon! |
P84 | Bouncy | Mr. Cauldron + Pool Noodle | Place a trampoline! |
P85 | Fuser | Mr. Cauldron + Chameleon | Fuse into players around you! |
P86 | Stickybomb | Hat of Gears + Dynamite + Honey | Throw a sticky bomb! |
P87 | Car-seat | Mr. Cauldron + Wheel | Become a car with seats for others!! |
P88 | Iced-skin | Eggcano + Chilli + Frozen Egg | Have frozen skin! |
P89 | Fuser | Mr. Cauldron + Fairy | EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! |
P90 | Lilypad-morph | Magic Seed + Frog | Morph into a lilypad |
P91 | Control-jump | Zeus’s Beard + Frog | Control your jump height |
P92 | Uni | Hat of Gears + Frog | Ride a unicycle |
P93 | Airstrike potion | AirStrike | Call in an airstrike |
P94 | Shrink-beam potion | AirStrike + Fairy | Hit people and shrink them to death |
P95 | Freeze-gun potion | Gun + Frozen Egg | FREEZE PEOPLE! |
P96 | Bee-swarm potion | AirStrike + Honey | Bee Swarm! |
P97 | Big-gun potion | AirStrike + Giant’s Ear | Get a very big gun! |
P98 | Gun-fire potion | AirStrike + Gun | Fire guns… what? |
P99 | Freeze storm potion | AirStrike + Frozen Egg | Create a storm that freezes players |
P100 | Throw nukes potion | AirStrike + Dynamite | Throw nukes |
P101 | Fire napalm potion | AirStrike + Chilli | Fire Napalm |
P102 | IED potion | AirStrike + Beans | Spawn a bean can IED |
P103 | UFO potion | Alien Parasite + Wheel | Fly an UFO! |
P104 | Laser-strike potion | Alien Parasite + AirStrike | ORBITAL STRIKE! |
P105 | Sus-gun potion | Hat of Gears + Beans + Gun | SUS GUN |
P106 | Abduction potion | Alien Parasite + Wheel + AirStrike | Abduct people in PVP |
P107 | Superman potion | Superhero Cape | Become the Superman |
P108 | Spider-dude potion | Superhero Cape + Spider | Become Spider-Dude |
P109 | Green-dude potion | Superhero Cape + Giant’s Ear | Become the big green dude who’s mad |
P110 | Invisible potion | Superhero Cape + Chameleon | Become invisible…whenever you want! |
P111 | Portal potion | Superhero Cape + Gun | Think in portals |
P112 | Aquaman potion | Superhero Cape + Fish | Become part of the sea!!! |
P113 | Werewolf potion | Superhero Cape + Witches Brew | HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL |
P114 | Purple-dude potion | Superhero Cape + Zeus’s Beard | Purple Dude |
P115 | Human-torch potion | Superhero Cape + Chili | The HUMAN TORCH |
P116 | Purple-car potion | Superhero Cape + Wheel | You could live with your failure |
P117 | Sabre potion | Superhero Cape + Boxing Gloves | VOOOOSH |
P118 | Flash potion | Superhero Cape + Giraffe Hoof | SUPER SPEEDY |
P119 | Frog-mount potion | Mount + Frog | Ride a Frog |
P120 | Fart-villain potion | Superhero Cape + Rotten Sandwich | Become the villain of fart |
P121 | Manbat potion | Superhero Cape + Robux | Be the man bat… wait the batman? no…no…manbat? |
P122 | Ivy potion | Superhero Cape + Magic Seed | The poison ivy |
P123 | Sus-o-ween | Hat of Gears + Beans + 2021 Pumpkin | Become Sus of Ween! |
P124 | Ghost-forcefield | Ghost + Frozen Egg | Get a ghost force field! |
P125 | Ghost-penguin | Frozen Egg + Pet Tags + Ghost | Get a pet ghost penguin! |
P126 | Anime-run | Anime Sword of Destiny | Run in style |
P127 | Last-skyfolder | Anime Sword of Destiny + Bird | Become arrow head! |
P128 | Lighting potion | Anime Sword of Destiny + Frozen Egg | Become Electric! |
P129 | Dragonblox-z | Anime Sword of Destiny + Brain | Dragonblox Z |
P130 | Ninja | Anime Sword of Destiny + Spider | Become a ninja! |
P131 | Energy-ball | Anime Sword of Destiny + Ghost | Fire an energyball! |
P132 | Believe-it | Anime Sword of Destiny + Eggcano | Believe it! |
P133 | Cursed-gloves | Anime Sword of Destiny + Boxing Gloves | Get cursed gloves! |
P134 | Airbender-glider | Anime Sword of Destiny + Bird + Anime Sword of Destiny | Get the air glider! |
P135 | Lightning-blast | Anime Sword of Destiny + Dynamite | Cast a powerful lightning spell |
P136 | Flame-sword | Walking Cane + Corn + Anime Sword of Destiny | Equip a powerful sword |
P137 | Blue-flame-sword | Walking Cane + Corn + Anime Sword of Destiny + Fish | Equip a powerful blue sword |
P138 | Froggirl | Anime Sword of Destiny + Frog | Become a frog girl! |
P139 | Fire-bow | Anime Sword of Destiny + Gun | Get a fire bow! |
P140 | Ground-pound | Anime Sword of Destiny + Giraffe Hoof | Ground AOE attack! |
P141 | Akimbo-katanas | Anime Sword of Destiny + Corn | Equip two katanas! |
P142 | Titan | Anime Sword of Destiny + Giant’s Ear | Attack on Roblox! |
P143 | Classic-tree | Walking Cane + Magic Seed | Become a tree! |
P144 | Snowman | 2021 Snowman | Become a snowman! |
P145 | Candycane-arms | 2021 Snowman + Pool Noodle | Get candy cane arms! |
P146 | Candycane-legs | 2021 Snowman + Giraffe Hoof | Get candy cane legs! |
P147 | Candycane-sword | Walking Cane + Corn + 2021 Snowman | Get candy cane sword! |
P148 | Light-headed | 2021 Snowman + Brain | Become light headed! |
P149 | Elf | 2021 Snowman + Fairy | Become Santa’s little helper! |
P150 | Festive-zombie | 2021 Snowman + Undead | Become a festive zombie! |
P151 | Gingerbreadman | 2021 Snowman + Giant’s Ear | Run run as fast as you can! |
P152 | Hot-coco | 2021 Snowman + Beans | HOT CHOCOLATE! |
P153 | Ornament-grendade | 2021 Snowman + Dynamite | Christmas boom! |
P154 | Snowman-pet | 2021 Snowman + Pet Tags | Get a pet Snowman! |
P155 | Snowflake-firework | 2021 Snowman + Chili | Become a snowflake firework! |
P156 | Festive-hat | 2021 Snowman + You | Get a festive hat |
P157 | Ugly-sweater | 2021 Snowman + Fish | Get an ugly sweater |
P158 | Old-candycane | 2021 Snowman + Walking Cane | Become an old person! |
P159 | Yeti | 2021 Snowman + Frozen Egg | Become the abominable snowman! |
P160 | Xmas-tree | Gingerbread Man + Magic Seed | Become an xmas tree! |
P161 | Rocket-sled | Gingerbread Man + Wheel | Become a rocket powered santa sled! |
P162 | Ninjaflake | Gingerbread Man + Anime Sword of Destiny | Get a snowflake ninja star! |
P163 | Sansrider-motorcycle | Eggcano + Undead + Wheel | Get a sansrider motorcycle |
P164 | Tornado | Cloud | Spawn tornadoes |
P165 | Fire-nado | Cloud + Eggcano | Spawn fire tornadoes |
P166 | Lightningstorm | Cloud + Dynamite | Spawn thunderstorm |
P167 | Blizzard | Cloud + Frozen Egg | Blizzard! |
P168 | Rock | Cloud + Carrot | Become a rock! |
P169 | Tsunami | Cloud + Fish | Watch out for that wave! |
P170 | Earthquake | Cloud + Carrot + Cloud | Earthquake! |
P171 | Hail | Cloud + Rotten Sandwich | Hail Storm |
P172 | Meatball-rain | Cloud + Beans | Raining Meatballs |
P173 | Planet-orbit | Cloud + Alien Parasite | Planetary orbit |
P174 | Hurricane | Cloud + Fish + Cloud | Launch a hurricane |
P175 | Frog-rain | Cloud + Frog | Frog rain! |
P176 | Rain-cloud | Cloud + Ghost | Rain! |
P177 | Sandstorm | Cloud + Giraffe Hoof | Spawn a sandstorm |
P178 | Earth-morph | Cloud + You | Become Other Nature! |
P179 | Egyptian-elephant | Mount + Giant’s Ear + Egyptian Head | Get an Egyptian Elephant Mount |
P180 | Scorpion-king | Egyptian Head + Anime Sword of Destiny | Become the King of the Desert |
P181 | Speed-control | Hacker | ??? |
P182 | Admin-chat | Hacker + Chameleon | Type like Jandel |
P183 | Boss-white-hat | Hacker + Brain | BOSS WHITE |
P184 | Bun-bun | Hacker + Fairy | Become a bun bun girl |
P185 | IxIxIxI | Hacker + Boxing Gloves | IxIxIxI Morph |
P186 | Fake-ban | Hacker + You | you are BANNED |
P187 | Teleport | Hacker + Fish | ??? |
P188 | Fly | Hacker + Bird | Take flight |
P189 | Infinite-jump | Hacker + Frog | Jump forever! |
P190 | Invisible-hack | Hacker + Witches Brew | Go Invisible |
P191 | Virus-morph | Hacker + Spider | Become a virus |
P192 | Noclip | Hacker + Beans | ??? |
P193 | Rain-robux | Hacker + Robux | ??? |
P194 | Troll-face | Hacker + Walking Cane | Trolled! |
P195 | Wall-vision | Hacker + Carrot | ??? |
P196 | Marshmallow-rain | Pot Of Gold + Cloud | Make it rain marshmallows |
P197 | Clover-ninjastar | Pot Of Gold + Anime Sword of Destiny | Get lucky throwing stars |
P198 | ??? | ??? | ??? |
P198 | Ethereum-rain | Ethereum Crystal + Cloud | Ethereum rain! |
P199 | Egg-rain | Faberge Egg + Cloud | Make it rain eggs |
P200 | Tesla | Star Shard + Wheel | Become a Tesla! |
P201 | Godzilla | Snake Head | Become Godzilla |
P202 | Mole-cobra | Snake Head + Carrot | Become a Cobra! |
P203 | Fang-gloves | Snake Head + Boxing Gloves | Get fang gloves! |
P204 | Flying-snake | Snake Head + Bird | Become a flying snake! |
P205 | Grappling-hook | Snake Head + Spider | Get a grappling hook! |
P206 | Snake-saber | Snake Head + Pool Noodle | Get a snake saber! |
P207 | Medusa-head | Snake Head + Brain | Get some snake hair! |
P208 | Poison-dart | Snake Head + Gun | Get a blow dart! |
P209 | Slither-bee | Snake Head + Honey | Become a slither bee! |
P210 | Snake-body | Snake Head + You | Get a snake body |
P211 | Snake-coils | Snake Head + Giraffe Hoof | Jump high with snake shoes! |
P112 | Snake-friends | Snake Head + Witches Brew | Get some snake friends! |
P213 | Snake-morph | Snake Head + Frog | Become a snake |
P214 | Snake-skin | Snake Head + Fish | Get snake skin! Immune to lava |
P215 | Snake-vision | Snake Head + Chameleon | Get heat-seeking vision! |
P216 | Coco-rain | Coconut + Cloud | Make it rain coconuts! |
Para obtener más guías de Roblox Wacky Wizards , consulte Cómo obtener el ingrediente dinamita en Roblox Wacky Wizards y Cómo obtener el ingrediente Robux en Roblox Wacky Wizards en Pro Game Guides.