Las mejores semillas de islas de Minecraft 1.19 para Java y Bedrock (agosto de 2023)

Las mejores semillas de islas de Minecraft 1.19 para Java y Bedrock (agosto de 2023)

Los biomas insulares son una de las atracciones más atractivas para muchos tipos diferentes de jugadores de Minecraft. Los jugadores de supervivencia los utilizan para una introducción tranquila y fácilmente defendible a cualquier mundo de Minecraft. Los jugadores creativos suelen utilizarlos para desarrollar escenarios y artilugios temáticos. También proporcionan un entorno divertido y peculiar para muchos jugadores del modo Aventura. Cualquiera sea el motivo, hemos elaborado la lista de las mejores semillas de Minecraft Island que puedes usar en tu próxima experiencia de Minecraft.

Tabla de contenido Las mejores semillas de isla de Minecraft 1.19 Islas de Hielo Mini isla engendro Islas Honga y Taiga Isla perfecta de múltiples biomas Archipiélago de Aventura Inicio de la mini isla Isla del bosque oscuro Isla de montaña exuberante Badlands boscosas contra Jungle Island Isla del pueblo gemelo La aventura de la isla Isla de la realeza Antigua isla exuberante Isla antigua Isla de guerra del bioma Las mejores semillas de isla de Minecraft 1.18 Reino Unido Isla pintoresca

Las mejores semillas de isla de Minecraft 1.19

¡Estas son las mejores Island Seeds que podemos encontrar para la versión más nueva de Minecraft! Una cosa importante a mencionar es que las estructuras se generan de manera diferente en Java y Bedrock. ¡Debido a esto, algunas ubicaciones clave para cada semilla serán diferentes!

Islas de Hielo

Semilla: 4705313819365089365

Realmente una de las semillas más impresionantes que jamás hayamos visto, este océano helado tiene más de unas pocas sorpresas. Desde monumentos oceánicos submarinos que se cruzan con icebergs gigantes hasta naufragios que flotan libremente y una increíble y alucinante generación de terreno. ¡Este es un engendro muy hermoso (y peligroso)!

Ubicaciones clave de JavaUbicaciones clave de lecho rocoso
Monumento al Océano: 152, -472Pueblo: -408, -936
Pueblo Nevado: 816, 352Torre del Saqueador: 376, 360
Naufragio flotante: -1416, -344Monumento al Océano: 248, -376
Portal en ruinas: -1,128, -536Naufragio: -696, -312

Mini isla engendro

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Semilla: 2014039421894521690

Una pequeña isla en medio de la nada con una sola casa. ¡Qué lugar tan perfecto para una casa! O una base. Realmente nos gusta esto ya sea como un desafío o simplemente como algo súper seguro y aislado.

Ubicaciones clave de JavaUbicaciones clave de lecho rocoso
Isla : 116, 111, -207Isla : 116, 111, -207
Naufragio: -152, -280Naufragio: -184, -150
Pueblo de las Llanuras: -528, 800Pueblo: 136, -184
Portal en ruinas: 248, -296Naufragio 2: 120, -360

Islas Honga y Taiga

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Semilla: -3749374606608058899

You have the choice of two fantastic islands in this seed. A perfect little Taiga island, or a larger Mushroom Island. We like both, and even considered building something connecting the pair! Around the sea area, there’s plenty of things to explore and experience, so this is just a fantastic spawn.

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Taiga Island: -350, -300Mushroom Island: 59, 560
Mushroom Island: 59, 560Taiga Island: -350, -300
Shipwreck: -160, 152Village: -280, -980
Woodland Mansion: 520, -984Pillager Outpost: -904, -760

Perfect Multi-Biome Island

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Seed: -3960560437398758448

An incredible Island location with four five key biomes, almost every kind of wood, and a ruined portal, right on the Island. This is a great place for a base, as the surrounding area is filled with almost every biome you’d want, and there’s fantastic resources. An incredible seed on both Java and Bedrock!

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Island: -310, 50Island: -310, 50
Ruined Portal: -379, 68Beach with buried treasure: 136, -184
Village: -192, 881Ruined Portal: -296, 163
Shipwreck: 8, 152Pillager Outpost: 600, 362

Adventure Archipelago

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Seed: 3898290374

Spawning on a big Jungle area, if you swim out to sea, you’ll quickly find a half dozen islands perfect for setting up shop! There’s shipwrecks and other structures on the way, so plenty of resources. Live out your island dreams!

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Main Island 1: 117, -310Main Island 1: 117, -310
Main Island 2: -79, -684Main Island 2: -79, -684
Shipwreck: 109, -871Ruined Portal: -536, 88
Underwater Ruins: 313, 86Shipwreck: -600, -152

Mini Island Start

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Seed: 5410842429551422910

A tiny island with some cows, sand, and trees, and the perfect place to set up shop in Minecraft. It’ll take only a dozen torches to light this entire thing, so this is perfect for an initial survival hut, and then onto bigger and better things on the mainland. There’s plenty of areas of interest to explore nearby, and you can expand quickly with bridges or boats!

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Island: -133, -131Island: -133, -131
Shipwreck: -314, 133Village: 76, -365
Ruined Portal: 277 -333Cave leading to Geode: 104, -504
Underwater Ruins: 142, -4Savana Village: -330, -873

Dark Forest Island

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Seed: 3173619876402734856

An not-so isolated island that screams «build a castle on me!» Surrounded by cliffs and valleys, you’ll find lots of wood, perfect access to caves and stone, and just a general plethora of supplies nearby. This isn’t exactly your desert island in the sea, but it’s a great location to start in Minecraft.

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Island: 167, 95Island: 167, 95
Shipwreck: 52, -541Ruined Portal: 19, -1
Ocean Temple: -115, -738Villages: -6, 630
Double Village: -454, -683Pillager Tower: 665, 505

Lush Mountain Island

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Seed: -5774183300065244295

This seed is ideal for players who like Lush Caves and cold biomes, but don’t want to give up one to have the other. It is rare to see a humid biome and a cold biome so close together, but this seed stacks them right on top of each other! On this seed’s survival island spawn, you start near an incredible mountain that provides incredible views. A short walk away (on the same island) is a beautiful exposed Lush Cave with axolotl pools and waterfalls!

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Mansion: 168 136Ancient City: 24 -51 72
Ancient City: 200 -136Ocean Monument: -376 -344
Mansion: -712 280Village: -744 -408
Shipwreck: -216 -360Outpost: -856 -536
Ocean Monument: -264 -360Shipwreck: -248 -232

Wooded Badlands vs. Jungle Island

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Seed: 7850875

This seed gives you two multiple rare biomes right when you spawn into the world! You start your adventure on a moderately sized Jungle Island with a small (but tall) Wooded Badlands biome nearby. Surrounding the Wooded Badlands is a beautiful Coral Reef you can dive into. The Jungle Island has a peculiarly placed Nether Portal off its shored, and a couple of small exposed Lush Caves around its border!

Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations
Jungle Temple: 120 152Ocean Monument: -296 -200
Wooded Badlands Plateau: -30 270Wooded Badlands Plateau: -30 270
Nether Portal: 168 360Nether Portal: 168 360
Shipwreck: 168 168Shipwreck: 248 -216
Shipwreck: 72 456Village/Stronghold: -744 -424

Twin Village Island

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Seed: 6647031575022142850

This is a wonderful starter island seed with easy access to resources from two villages and an exposed mineshaft right next to spawn. If you want protection from the elements (and mobs), but still want company from villagers in the game, you’ll want to start here. Although there isn’t a lot of biome diversity nearby, you’ll find the basic setup gives you the perfect opportunity to prepare yourself for an adventure. You don’t need to jump into the exposed mineshaft until you’re ready, so be sure t relax on this peaceful seed!

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Village: -144 -208Mineshaft: 56 104
Village: 16 48Ocean Monument: -280 136
Mushroom Island: -512 268Mushroom Island: -490 265
Exposed Mineshaft: -72 200Ocean Monument: -664 -152
Mineshaft: -40 -104Shipwreck: 232 -360

The Island Adventure

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Seed: -2135836821937050197

This incredible island seed spawns you on an island that is over 3k blocks tall and about 1.5k blocks wide. On the island you will find dozens of biomes of varying types and plenty of helpful structures. It holds no less than 5 Villages and Ancient Cities and is surrounded by dozens of Ocean Monuments. In the middle of the island is a ring of mountains that encases a perfect spot to build a base.

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Spawn: 1184 -736Village: 1736 -328
Village: 1760 -1520Village: 1832 216
Village: 1664 -336Village: 1800 -1624
Ancient City: 1400 -552Ancient City: 1688 -51 -968
Ancient City: 1176 -1144Jungle Temple: 1544 -2248

Royalty Island

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Seed: 350362654

Whether you’re a lone adventurer who wants to stake claim on an island built for royalty or you’re a social player and want a prestigious home for your crew, this is the perfect island seed. You spawn on a large island with several biomes. The only danger lurking on this island is a solitary Outpost that is overlooking a beautiful Meadow. Start The Wilds update right by staking claim of this mountain fit for royalty, and don’t forget the island’s starter Village on your way up!

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Shipwreck: -136 -248Village: -216 184
Outpost: -352 288Ocean Monument: 232 -296
Village: -768 -272Ocean Monument: 616 -280
Ancient City: 616 616Ancient City: 888 -51 552
Ocean Monument: 216 -296Mushroom Island: 55 1530

Old Lush Island

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Seed: -904660575148047233

This island doesn’t fit in with many of the other island seeds on this list because it spawns you in an Old Growth Spruce biome. This is rare enough, but what really draws us into this seed is the generation beneath the ground. The tall island is hollowed out, and resting inside is a beautiful Lush Cave. This cave also includes the naturally generated pool filled with Axolotls shown in the image above!

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Axolotl Pool: 5 92 2Axolotl Pool: 5 92 2
Mushroom Island: 850 350Mushroom Island: 850 350
Nether Portal: 40 136Nether Portal: 40 136
Ocean Monument: -152 -328Mineshaft: -360 -72
Mineshaft: -104 -72Shipwreck: 216 312

Ancient Isle

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Seed: 931970827062634009

If you like a challenge and want to live on an isolated island that houses a deep and dark secret, then you want to start with this seed. You don’t spawn directly on the island, but a short boat ride will take you to a small island filled with hills and mountains. If you want resources before heading to your island home, you can explore the jungle at spawn and find three Jungle Temples within 500 blocks!

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Shipwreck: -200 -232Jungle Temple: 248 -856
Mineshaft: -152 -296Jungle Temple: -408 -856
Featured Island: 565 -90Featured Island: 565 -90
Jungle Temple: -408 -856Island Village: 615 -60
Ocean Monument: -248 104Island Ancient City: 872 -51 136

Biome War Island

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Seed: 5890542

If you don’t have an overworld map, you might be surprised that this seed spawns you on an island. It is over 2,500 blocks in diameter, so you’ll be in for quite a hike if you want to go end to end. The real draw to this island is that it has most biomes on it and dozens of overworld structures. You’ll also find several Outposts and Villages sprawled throughout this massive island. We’re not sure what they’re fighting over, but maybe the five Ancient Cities under the island have something to do with it. We’ll leave you with a few key locations, but you’ll have to explore to find the rest!

Java Key LocationsBedrock Key Locations
Outpost Above Ancient City: 16 -288Ancient City: -280 184
Ancient City: 136 -51 152Outpost: 488 360
Village: 592 384Village: 216 -888
Village: 928 -464Jungle Temple: 1096 312
Village: 704 -800Ancient City: 472 40

Best Minecraft 1.18 Island Seeds

United Kingdom

Minecraft 1.18 is not the latest version, but many players who still use this version are on the hunt for the best Island seed. Below, you’ll find our favorite Island seeds that we added to the list when 1.18 was released!

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Seed: -7096828587805744419

On this seed, you start on a large Plains island with three Villages, all in different spots on the island. While it’s, of course, not identical to the United Kingdom, it doesn’t take a huge stretch of imagination to draw the comparison! This is not only a great survival seed with plenty of resources and biomes nearby, but it provides you the opportunity to create some real-world roleplay!

  • Key Locations
    • Village: 48 -208
    • Village: -176 80
    • Village: 64 144
    • Ocean Monument: -360 -392
    • Shipwreck: 248 104

Quaint Island

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Seed: 11020382

This seed represents the epitome of the phrase ‘basic survival island’. It is the optimum seed for the true Minecraft vanilla fan that isn’t searching for anything extravagant and simply wants a chill survival experience on a quaint island getaway. When you spawn on the island, you have access to plenty of trees and a small village, so you’ll have all the crops and wood necessary to establish your own community. This is also a great seed to use if you want to host a small survival server with a couple friends!

If you want to add some additional excitement to some of these seeds, then check out our Best Minecraft Mods post! Or, if you don’t want to limit your best seeds list to just Island seeds, check out our Best Minecraft 1.19 Seeds List!